It Is How It Is | nothings-over

ulzzang: Pony
contact information
username: nothings-over
who are you?
name: Jeon Ji Hye
age: 20
Jihye is someone who doesn't speak much, but notices everything. Even when it seems she is not paying attention, she hears and knows whatever is occurring around her. She is highly perceptive and it is difficult to get past her guard. She is polite to everyone and respectful, but her true personality is unknown to most. She tends to psychoanalyze people heavily, and can discern a person's personality very quickly. She herself has an almost objective view of people. There seems to be a disconnection between her and others in that she analyzes people almost like equations or computer programs. It is almost as if the emotional aspect of her, her human feelings have been locked away somewhere.
Jihye loves puzzles. She enjoys solving and figuring things out. Her mind processes a million things at once and is like a database that records it all, and then applies it. She likes challenging and stimulating her brain, which is why she also enjoys reading and watching mysteries. You could say she is a bit of a rising detective because she likes to view people's issues or even the simplest of situations as "cases" for her to solve. She often is considered kind and helpful because she offers to help others, but most don't realize she does it because it's like a game for her. Even life and death to her are like all part of one large chess game that she is playing against fate. If only she knew...
Lastly, Jihye loves astronomy. Often, people will find her out at night looking at the stars, and she is usually at the observatory because she works there. But even when she isn't working, that is where she feels most comfortable. She sometimes says that the stars are her only friends, that they are the only ones out there watching over her. This is why her favorite hobby is stargazing.
Jihye was raised in an ordinary family, middle class, nothing special. Her father and mother own a small bakery, and she has one older brother. Growing up, Jihye was a cheerful child, she smiled a lot, meddled in everything, and was always asking questions. Seriously, she was one of the most curious children. She just seemed, well normal. She had always been perceptive and aware of her surroundings, and always a quick learner. Things were great up until she turned fifteen. *Go to secret now*. After that year, her personality seemed to change. She remained curious and contemplative, but her energeticness seemed to have toned down, and she became detached. Her family, particularly her father, seems to know something, seeing as they treat her just as they did before.
- Jeon Wooseok | 51 | father | A patissier, he is someone that Jihye admires. A calm man, he always has a peaceful air about him. He seems to be just as perceptive as Jihye is, if not more. He has a friendly aura, but there is something that seems mysterious, almost like an ancient wisdom about him at times. Wooseok is probably the person Jihye is closest with in the world.
- Jeon Nara | 49 | mother | Jihye's mother works with her father at their bakery, and she seems like a fairly normal person. There is nothing significant about her, and she and Jihye have a plain relationship. The two of them aren't quite as close as Jihye and her father are, but they get along well enough.
- Jeon Jihyuk | 25 | older brother | Jihyuk is Jihye's best friend in the world. He is the only person who seems to be able to connect to her on a truly emotional level, because when it comes to anyone else, she seems detached. He is currently a freelance writer.
likes: stars, puzzles, mystery/detective novels, chess, desserts/sweets, astronomy, poetry, art, calligraphy
dislikes: bugs, pollution, hypocrites, bright/neon colors, artificial light
habits: taps her finger or pen on the table alot as she thinks, stares into space/fades out
hobbies: stargazing, puzzles, poetry, chess, reading
special: Jihye has the acute ability to memorize names, lists, and numbers instantly. Not a photographic memory, what she stores is like data. Also as stated before, Kei notices everything. She has strong sight and sharp hearing.
trivia: she has a tattoo of a supernova on her neck, her blood type is A, she almost always has a book on her, she keeps a chess piece in her pocket always as a good luck charm, she is a bit superstitious, and she bakes but does not like to cook (though she can)
occupation: Jihye is currently in university as an astrophysics major, and she works at the observatory. (The reason is fairly straight forward)
secret: Jihye isn't sure why but there is a section of her past - the entire year after her fifteenth birthday - that is like a gap. She has no recollection of that period, and no matter whom she asks, they have no response for her. It is as if her memory from that time was erased. *go to password*
skills: solving puzzles, painting/sketching, calligraphy, chess, baking
love interests
love interest: 1) Suho  2) Lay
personality: He finds her strange and tries to understand her detachment, yearning to help her become more in tune with other people. He wants her to experience more, and he wants to break her shell, but it isn't easy when she doesn't even realize it is there.
It was night and the observatory was not very busy. There was to be a meteor shower, and Jihye was out there waiting to watch it. She was alone standing outside, when someone came and asked her what she wanted to wish for (like wishing on a shooting star), and she said, she wanted to know herself. They didn't introduce themselves immediately but she asked him in return, and he said it was a secret. They remained silent until after it began and ended. Afterwards, they introduced themselves, and became friends. From then forth, he often came to visit her at the observatory.
anything else/requests/suggestions/comments:
You guys are doing well in this but just gonna mention anyway: a simple format and neutral colors for the background and fonts is much more eyepleasing and catches readers eyes better than BOLD BRIGHT RED AND BLUE. Small teasers often gather in a lot more applicants, and small commentary at the end of chapters and whatnot are fun to read.

This fic sounds very interesting and I can't wait for it to start. I hope you two enjoyed my application, and consider me :) But even if I am not accepted, I plan to follow this fic. So thank you <3
Password: memory manipulation


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hmmm. if in the battle she like wipes someone mind how is the person gonna... recover and such? idkay :/ you could change it a bit or something. just think of something that fits your character's personality. since your character likes astronomy, why don't you do something related? :D
hi, i was wondering if you could change your ulzzang picture to something where waist up is seen xD (click on our applications for an example). other than that, NP!
thanks for subbing and supporting our fic! :) like your application a lot XD definitely considering you :)
Ok, not going to lie, i really liked your application. Thank you for spending time and effort on this, we really appreciate it! And also thank you for giving us some tips. Hope you will be admitted into Gwon Elite :)