.... :@

i hope you all dont mind me blabbing random stuff but apparently i cant do anything right around here. i mean i was feeling happy and now i am apparently a liar. in no world did i lie about being sick today and my dad is calling me a liar again. this song i am listening is just making me want to run away more.......well and hit up this one girl for something i need right now but anyway like i was saying im sick of this! plus now dad is all sweet and like i made tomato soup (like i said we should have before he accused me of lying) and its like wtf? geez! Lee Soo Man, i might hate you but if you came and offered me a chance to be a singer in Korea i would pack my bags in an instant sign the contract and run happily into your car! then of course i would ask to bring my besties. then we would be out of there! like no joke! man i am such a dreamer! sorry for my rant but i needed to get that off my chest. Saranghae! <3 



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