[APP] The Book Of Fantasy Island


///Application Form:
- Han SeolJi 
- Friday
- March 03 , 1995
- 17 y/o
- Korean-Japanese
- Hokkaidou , Japan
//Name of Ulzzang and give me 3 HQ links:
- JeeIn 
- http://27.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_ldgnbqRrWF1qbu1tso1_500.png
- http://static.wix.com/media/d6c716_cb207b292178bb0dd0686e337eeba48e.jpg
- http://img151.imageshack.us/img151/8752/tumblrlm0nttgtxp1qglp8k.jpg
- Stars
- Music
- Strawberries
- Cute things
- Books
- Annoying Noises
- Darkness
- Injuries
- Harsh people
- Cockroaches
- Gentle
- Soft-Spoken
- Feminine
- Caring
- She loves reading and always brings something with her that can be read
- She's ambidextrous
- She can cook well
- Eats strawberries when sad
- Covers when laughing
- Scratching her head when embarassed
//Anything youre afraid of?
- Blood
//Love interest:
- Park YooChun
- Some sweet scenes for all the girls that'll you'll pick..^^


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