My first ever Gimp poster! ^^

Look up and you will see my very first Gimp poster! ^^ Now I know it's not the best or greatest, but I'm proud of it. I learned how to make it from Kitty's Tutorials. If you decide to try it out and need some help (like I did) I'll be glad to help you! Just PM me or leave a message on my wall! I hope you enjoy my very first poster! ^.^


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@crazydancingdragon: Sure, just click on that link up there and it goes through it pretty much step by step, if you need help, you know where to find me! :)
Wah! You gotta teach me! I have Gimp too! *chuckles*
@megumi2: Thank you! That just made my day! ^^
megumi2 #4
It's so pretty ^^