AXIZ | nothings-over



» The Real Life

AFF Name: nothings-over

AFF Profile Link:

Nickname: Kei


» Basic Information

Birth name: Luo Jia Hui

English name: Kei (actually Japanese, but yeah...)

Age: 20

Birth date: 26 October 1991

Birth place: Hong Kong

Hometown: Osaka, Japan

Ethnicity: Chinese/Japanese

Height: 166 cm

Weight: 43 kg


» Your heart and soul


Hui, or Kei as she prefers because it's easier, is a GEEK. She is like a compilation of every type of nerdy dweeby dork out there. Her dream (besides being an idol) is to open up a private detective agency. No seriously. She worships Sir Conan Doyle and because she has read like half the mystery novels ever written, sh has a tendency to analyze EVERYTHING. Don't think you can get away with anything on her watch, because she definitely will not let you. Kei notices everything to the point that it's kind of scary. She doesn't even need to turn around to know if you are trying something like a prank.

Besides that, Kei is a fairly calm and really responsible person. She isn't quiet of shy, but she doesn't have to be in the limelight either. Rather, she enjoys to help her members shine. She is like the older sister that everyone has always wanted. She is caring and tries to do whatever she can for others. She doesn't nag very often but instead chooses to clean up for others, silently taking burdens on herself. She tends to worry about others much more than herself which can wear her out a lot, but she refuses to let up. Highly respectful, people trust her easily because they know that she always does what is in the best interest of others. She is also sincere and polite, which often earns her high marks. She generally gets along better with people older than her, seeing as how her best friends are all generally a year or more older than her.

Kei is also in love with outer space. Because her father is an astronomer, she has grown up fascinated with stars. She loves to talk about them, so if you mention them to her, she will start RAMBLING non-stop. So the normally fairly mellow girl suddenly is throwing information at people. It also doesn't help that her best friend is a member of "Supernova", so mention them to her and she'll talk about the group AND the galactic phenomena at like hyperspeed.


- has a tattoo that says 超新星 (Supernova) on her neck and then a tattoo of a supernova on her chest right below her collarbone

- has published a book of her own poetry before

- has the ability to whip out a fedora from out of nowhere

- always ALWAYS has some type of snack or food on her because she eats like 10x more than the average person

- always has a copy of Sherlock Holmes on her and if she sees someone doing something they aren't supposed to, she throws it at them (usually heads unless she's being nice)

- has a silver necklace with a shark pendant that she never takes off

- her blood type is A

- she likes to bake, but also can cook

- if you ask her who her best friend is, her first reply is usually "Sherlock Holmes"

- likes to give cakes and pastries that she makes as gifts

- hates hypocritical people more than anything

- can't stand bugs! she won't scream and run away, but she will kill them

- people find it really strange but her three favorite animals are: sharks, pandas, and snakes


- tapping her finger or pen

- when someone tells her bad news, she blinks rapidly before replying

- when unsure, she scratches the back of her neck


- poetry

- song writing

- chess

- shamisen

- baking

- cooking

- puzzles


» Your long time ago history

History: Hui was born in Hong Kong to a Chinese father and a Japanese mother. She lived there until she turned 4 when her family moved to Osaka, Japan, to be with her mother's family. Her father works at an observatory while her mother owns a small restaurant. As she was growing up, her father would often tell her stories of the stars and the universe which made her fall in love with them. She used to say that she wanted to become a star (not like an idol but an actual star). Her brother, however, convinced her that she should become a detective. Jin is a freelance writer, but even while they were children, he loved reading. He once read her the Adventures of Sherlock Holmes and after that she was HOOKED. Still, most people told her it was impractical, so she resolved to becoming a poet. She had always loved poetry, and since she enjoyed playing the shamisen, she decided to try a hand at song writing. Her brother was amazed when he saw it and told her she had to enter a contest or try to bring it to a company. She kind of shrugged him off, but the idea of being a song writer stuck in her head.

How did you discovered?   Kei had become friends with the members of Supernova because they once visited her mother's restaurant when they were in Japan for a photoshoot, and became frequenters after when they would go to Japan. Well, she had decided to show Geonil the song she wrote and he was stunned. He told her to show the others and they were equally shocked. They told her she had to submit it to a company because it was amazing! She felt unsure, but they kept encouraging her so she caved. She originally was just going to submit the song, not try out, but after going to Core Contents to submit her music, she was sitting outside playing her shamisen and singing a bit. One of the managers heard her and informed others in the company who called her back. From then on she was a trainee. However, she ended up transferring to YG after two months when they gave her an offer.

Trainee period: 4 years

Trainee life: Kei continued to write songs, none of which were officially released, but sometimes were shown in clips on dramas and whatnot.

Which group do you want to be in: AXIZ


» Your love ones [and bad ones]


- Luo Guo Sheng | 52 | Father | astronomer

- Shiraishi Mirai | 51 | Mother | restaurant owner


- Luo Zhi Jin | 28 | older brother | freelance writer


- Park Geonil | 24 | best friend | idol (Supernova)

- Heo Gayoon | 21 | best friend | idol (4Minute)

- Song Jihyuk | 24 | close friend | idol (Supernova)


- Koh Woori | 24 | rival and friend | idol (Rainbow) | The two of each other both eat ridiculous amounts, and were once told to have an eating contest. Well, let's just say, it wasn't very conclusive. Since then, they have a constant rivalry to see who can eat more. They are always going back and forth, so to tis day, they have yet to decide a winner. But this is actually what makes them friends. They are rivals but when it comes to, they get along better than most.

Love partner / Crush:

1) Xiumin

2) Lay

How did you met?

Xiumin - Kei was at a restaurant with Woori havign one of their "competitions". Baozi, who was looking for a place to eat, came across a restaurant that seemed like stuff was going on in and that sounded yummy, so he peeked in and saw two girls eating like twently plates of food with other people in the background cheering. He recognized that one of the girls was an idol from the group Rainbow and was really fascinated by what was going on, so he stayed. He actually wanted to join in, but because they seemed like they were almost done, he decided to just wait. Afterwards, he came over and asked what was going on. The two introduced themselves and described their little rivalry. He found it amusing and thus became friends with the girls.

Lay - Kei was at a park one day when she sat down and began playing her shamisen and singing. Lay who was nearby heard the music and approached her to listen a bit more. He really liked the song, so when she finished, he asked if she wrote it. She said she had. She had noticed he was Chinese, so they began speaking in Mandarin. She asked which artists he liked, and when he said David Tao, she smiled. He began playing Be My Friend, and the two started singing in the park to it, while he played it. A small crowd gathered to listen to the two Chinese performing. Since then, they had become friends, often talking about music together.

Love triangle: no


» Your pretty face

name: Pony


Back up name: Do Hwae Ji

Back up link:}


» Stage life

stage name: Kei

fanclub name: Stargazers

fanclub color: Periwinkle

Persona: the Mastermind (may change)


1) Leader , Lead Rapper

2) Main Vocalist


» Additional [important!]

Password: Xiumin

Group fan club name: X-L'd (so like excelled)

Group fan club colour:



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