Prom/ Spring Formal

Today was "Spring Formal" At my school (We do't call it prom because we don't dance and we have to be different apparently -_-) ANYWAY~ I thought I would share some photos with you all and stuff!

Me and My brother (Ignore the shrug/shaw thing I have on....we have a dress code and my dress was strapless, so I was forced to wear one)


Now for some random pictures of me and my friends




*points down* My lovely class ^^ (Except for two guys because they're lam and didn't come -_-)


And that's all the good pictures my wonderful camerman (A.K.A Mom) took.


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Just_Lan #1
Your hair looks so pretty! I love it =)
midoris #2
'saeng looks so pretty ^3^ yeah. we had our dance yesterday. /raises hand. i was part of the grinding line :D