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AFF username:Love-Hate-Me

AFF profile link:http://www.asianfanfics.com/profile/view/139439

What would you like me to call you?:PB or Peanut-Butter


Name:Choi Mayuna

Nicknames:Mayu because it was her late grandmother name and her mother was the first person to call her that.

Birth date :May 12 1993


Hometown:Busan,South Korean

Ethnicity :Japanese-Korean


Blood type:O

Languages spoken :Korea(Fluent),Japanese(Fluent),English(Conversational),and Thai(Learning)


Appearance :











Ulzzang name:Seo Ji Hye

Backup Ulzzang :





Backup Ulzzang name:Song Ah Ri

Height, weight:178cm,59 kg

Piercings? Birthmarks? Tattoos? Scars? (Don’t be crazy):I have an birthmark on my left knee that shape like an Star.


Personality :Mayuna is always caring and cheerful and will never hesitate to help another person, even an enemy. Mayuna is the most naive of her friends and, though not stupid by any means, she can be clueless and accident-prone. She is incredibly slow to anger, usually becoming sad or disappointed if displeased. Otherwise she is extremely expressive, often accompanying her moods with exaggerated speech and body language.Likewise, she is almost incapable of hatred or antagonism; rather than hating her father for only visiting her once an month,she pity him.Mayuna also dislikes the idea of anyone dying for anyone else, no matter how noble the cause, since it would still create sadness for the loved ones left behind. A highly sociable person,Mayuna frequently suggests gatherings and outings to the park, which also gives her a chance to exercise her formidable cooking skills. She has a passion for cakes and other sweet snacks, and occasionally gets into arguments with her mother over the merits of cake over candy.Her clumsiness may lead her to trouble most of the time, but she has a very determined spirit. Her motto's, "Never Lose!" and "Never Give up!" have carried her through countless trials in her life in the academy.Despite being a klutz, Mayuna is quite athletic and is an excellent runner. In fact, her best subject is P.E., along with Home Economics. She exhibits strong attachments to her friends and loved ones. She has a fear of the dark and ghosts, and can easily freak out. When it comes to romance and love, she is very clueless despite her many admirers, a trait similar to her mother. Apart from that, her innocent and cheerful personality allows her to befriend others easily, whether they are rivals or strangers. Her charms have even managed to turn a lot of Trainees into friends and admirers. She also admires those who care deeply for others and inspires her to help her friends as much as possible.  She is know to be very caring, sensitive and somewhat stubborn as she won't back down without a fight, as shown with her regular bickering with her mother. She can also be a crybaby at times.Mayuna  is the type of person who easily forgets her worries and problems, mostly appearing happy and smiling. She always tries to make the best out of a bad situation, a trait that never fails to amaze even her closest friends. Often she can be clever and mature when needed. In contrast to her naivety, she can exhibit clever thinking and perceptiveness during critical situations.

Likes :

  1. Animals
  2. Sweets
  3. Books
  4. Video Games
  5. Fireworks
  6. Babies
  7. Miku Hatsune


  1. Bugs
  2. Bully's
  3. Blood
  4. Horror Movies
  5. Hello Kitty
  6. Old School Music
  7. Snobs


  1. Bit Lips when Nervous
  2. Cry in a corner when Sad
  3. Disapper for an day or two when Mad
  4. Body Shake when Lying


  1. Reading
  2. Watching Cartoons
  3. Cooking
  4. Babysitting

Talents :

  • Can play the Guitar
  • Can Cook anything
  • An Animal at sport/Good at sports

Fears :

  • The Dark
  • Ghost
  • Clowns
  • Heights
  • Fire


  1. Dream to grow out of her Idiot personality since she is now an Women
  2. Want to marry young before she is 25
  3. Never had an boyfriend
  4. Was/Is an Popular Trainee
  5. In collage to be an Cheif
  6. Plan to meet Famous Idol Rain

Ideal type:She would like any kind of guy as long as her can love her for who she is so she don't have to worry about being made fun of.She want an guy that love children and can stand up for himself and her without backing down from the fight like an little boy.Looks don't matter as long as he is handsome.


Biography :I had an pretty normal childhood even though I never meet my father unlike Lin.I was told that my father died of an heart-attack by my mother but my Aunt said he left because i was meant to be an boy.When I was 8,Lin was born but lived with her father since Kyoko(Our mother) just wanted me untill Lin turned 12yrs.I was often a victim of bullying at school. The children would play a baseball, and I was never chosen to play on a team. The children did this to exclude me from the game, though I just stayed positive, hoping that someone would chose me so I could play as well. I made friends at the age of 15 after helping some students with  find their lost animals.When i started school this year i became Known as Hyper Chick because of how i act around Classmates and Teachers.Since i did not speak up for myself people put the blame on me even i did not do anything.


Mother|Li Kyoko|35yr|Teacher|We act like best friends but she can never look me in the eyes since my father has the same eyes|Alive

Father|Choi Toyo|47yr|Cheif|Never Met|Unknow


Half Sister|Li-Park Lin|12yr|None|We use to be close but I don't now because i have not seen her in awhile|Alive

Trainee Days

Previous company/other companies you’ve auditioned for:SM and JYP

When you were accepted at YG:At the age of 12 when she almost gave up hope.

Number of years as a trainee:7 years

What was training like for you? :Everything came to me like an breeze but friend came alittle harder since I stay in the shadow.When I turn 16,I became very popular since boys find me Pretty and girls thought I seem more friendly then they had thought.I did meet Park Bom and Dara since they heard about me from their Trainee Fanboys.At the agr of 17 something happen to me but I can not really remember but I be reminded by my friends that I was hit by an Car.

Job(s) prior to debut:An ad about an new candy store when I was 13 and an ad about an new phone when I was 17yr.

Hero/Idol (Explain why):Rain because when I first saw him on tv,It gave me the hope I could become an Famous Idol like him or aleast became the female verison.

Singing voice:









Rapping :





Stage name :Mayu

Persona :The Sweet Idiot 

Role in group (Pick your top two from the list, in order of preference):

1.Lead Dancer,Lead Vocalist,and Sub Rapper

2.Main Rapper,Lead Vocalist,Sub Dancer

Side jobs :MC and Screen Acting

Individual fan club name:May since it was the month her grandmother was born

Individual fan club color :Emerald,it the birthstone of may


Casual :





Stage :















Love interest (name, group; pick your top two from the list, in order of preference):

1.Heechul|Super Junior

2.Hongki|FT Island

Love interest’s personality:|He is short-tempered, competitive, impulsive and rude, but he also has a soft side that he doesn't like people seeing. He gets embarrassed quickly and is overprotective of those he cares about.He also has a strong hatred for leeks, and the smell makes him sick. He also hates green onions and miso, unless it's in soup form.Stubborn, short-tempered, strong-willed and impulsive, he attempts to maintain a detached and "cool" image, despite claiming not to care about what other people think about him. His outspoken, hot-headed demeanor is a trait he acknowledged, and that if somebody picks a fight with him, he cannot help fighting back.He is exceedingly good at making sarcastic comments and complaining, but will get very shy and timid once around his crush(Ailee).

Your current relationship ):Strangers

Best friend:Chocolat Tia

Best friend’s personality:Tia is intelligent, logical, extremely rational, and has a foul mouth and she's also quiet when everyone in the room is so noisy. She also can come across as rather detached and downright threatening when she wants to. She is rather rude, even with her mother, and, though she appears civil, she is actually a very lazy person. She seems always calm and apathetic towards other people, even when she is conflicted, and is seldom surprised. She also borders a certain level of arrogance, which other students find annoying about her. Although generally serious, Tia also has a comedic side. In spite of her indifferent nature, Tia cares for her friends.Her manner of speaking is rather soft, but due to her chronic shyness, she is prone to stuttering her words. She noticeably has a very polite demeanor, though she can be somewhat clumsy. She is generally quite trusting.How you act together:

Friends:2NE1 Bom and F(x) Luna

Friends’ personalities:

Park Bom|She is an very loud and hyper person.She aways tell jokes that can make anybody laugh.She is an nice person that belives that everybody has good in them no matter what.She has an smart-mouth so when talking people feel hurt by her words.She is kinda of clusmy with and without her Contacts.She can get Mad/Sad very easy.She is super smart but she tends to zone out when people are talking.She is name one of the most iest idol.

Luna|She can cook, she's athletic, and she gets good grades. She's also very stubborn, leaving her in some very akward situations. She's polite and understands herself perfectly, and is very calculating about how others feel. She thinks before she acts so she doesn't hurt anyone. Though she seems tough on the outside, but on the inside she is just really insecure about everything she does. She's a very caring, sweet girl and cares a lot about first impressions.She is a great wrestler, but really doesn't think so.She has a sharp tongue and isn't afraid to speak her mind or insult people even if its to strangers.


F(x) Krystal-When I meet her,She was nice but then out of nowhere she said you are my rival then push me in a lake. 

Ailee-We both fighting for the same man and only one can win him.

Any scandals as of yet (resolved or otherwise):First people put me on the news of being an "YG Theif" but that was resolved and I am famous for dating G-Dragon which is not true but it yet to be resolved.


Password:Papa YG is an Troll Highlight


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