
I'm kinda tired.
Physically and mentally.
Even though I actually slept at least 9 hours last night, compared to normal weekdays, that's quite a bit more ^^

I finally made a LiveJournal account ^^

I think I'm just going to use it for fanfics and blogging. Maybe even graphics like icons and backgrounds?
Probably all about k-pop ~.~
I keep trying to write a fic, but I keep procrastinating, lol.
But I'm sure I'll finish one in time ^^

All I have at the moment:

"Baby, you're my destiny."

I saw him across the room, our eyes met and his intense stare scorches my heart. There was no denying it. He's the one I've been trying to find all along to save me. My broken soul. Tainted by living nightmares.

The song One In A Million by Yamapi is my guideline to starting this fanfic :3
Hoping my inspiration won't die XD
Now Listening : Foolish Love - Big Bang


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