Starlight App ^^


about yourself

Username: tien1190

What would you like me to address you by?: tien

How active are you on AFF?: 10~ go online everyday!!!

How can I contact you?: Pm or wallpost either/or 


about your character

Character name: Lee Miyoung 

Any nicknames?: Mimi 

Age: 21

Date of birth: 29-01-1991

Place of birth: Houston, Texas 

Ethnicity: Korean

Height: 181 cm 

Weight: 121 lbs

Blood Type: A 


History/Background: Mimi is a fun and happy girl. She will always have a smile on her face even if she is pissed or sad. She is lazy as heck and you would have to scream or threaten her if you want her to do something for you. She will do anything to get what she wants. She would threaten you if she has to but that is just to make you scared. She is outgoing and loves to party. She loves to party and she get's invited to every party from her friends because they say her immaturity and playfulness makes the party fun. She laughs at everything and anything funny. She laughs at any jokes and even the corny ones. She is very atheltic even though she is lazy as heck. She joins every team in school and tries her best to win every competition. She loves to talk with everyone. She doesn't care who she talks to as long as they talk to her back. She would talk to a stranger or even a lower social ranking then her because in her mind there is no such thing as a social ranking. Mimi has a very good temper but if you make a rude comment about one of her friends she would go off on you and  take all her anger out on you. She goes online a lot and she perfer Facebook over Twitter any day. She is very clumsy and she trips over anything that she doesn't see. She even trips over air sometimes. She can't go a day without falling down. When she falls down, she would laugh and than she would stand back up and act like nothing happened.

What is your character like?: Smiling Queen

Languages spoken: Korean (Fluent), English (Fluent), and Japanese (Semi-Fluent) 










-her I-Pod

-her phone




-bitter candy

-sad people

-mean people

-being clumsy








-Running out of candy




-forgetting stuff easily

-walking around in circles when she's nervous

-blanking out when she's listening to someone

-talking to someone and then leave before they can talk back


-listening to music




-talking to people


-playing the piano


Extra Facts: 

-favorite color is neon green

-likes puppies but not dogs

-never eaten a chili pepper before

-she had braces when she was young

-her ringtone is Hello by SHINee

-She always has gum, choco pie, and pocky with her everywhere she goes 


what do you look like?

Picture of Ulzzang: 1 || 2 || 3 || 4 || 5 || 6 

Ulzzang name: Kwon Su Jeong (Kwon Soo Jung)

Style description: She would wear anything that fits her. She doesn't care if it's old or out of fashion, she would wear it as long as it fits her. She likes to wear shorts or skirts anytime and anywhere. She would only wear jeans when she needs to or when it is cold outside. She likes to wear shirts that has funny says or pictures on it because she loves it when people stop to read her shirt or look at the picture. 

Pictures of clothes she wears:

Casual: 1 || 2 || 3 || 4 || 5 || 6 || 

Formal: 1 || 2 || 3 || 4

Sleepwear: 1 || 2 || 3 || 4 || 5

Practice Wear: 1 || 2 



Family Members:

Dad: Lee Kyung

Mom: Lee Eun-Mi

Younger brother: Lee Chin

Younger Sister: Lee Cathy 

Friend(s): Donghae, Nana, and Sungmin

Best Friend(s): Seohyun

Love interest: Eunhyuk 

How do you act towards eachother?: They act like a bunch of over grown 5 years old when they're around each other. They would always crack up jokes and laugh at everything. 

His personality: Eunhyuk is a "bad-boy". Well he tries to act like one. He likes to be one because he wants to be cool to other people. But deep down inside he is actually a goodie two-shoes. He likes to help other people when he could because he would feel guilty that he didn't.

Scenes: IDK.... Anything is fine with me ^^

Rival: Hyoyeon


the group

Stage Name: Mimi

Fanclub name: Smilers

How long have you been a trainee?: 4 years 

Experience: She have been in talents shows and singing/dancing competitions

Persona: Clumsy Leader

Nickname: ??? 

Position: leader & vocalist

A video of your character singing: 1 || 2 || 3

A video of your character rapping: 1 || 2 

A video of your character dancing: 1 || 2 || 3 



Backup ulzzang picture: 1 || 2 || 3 || 4  

Backup ulzzang name: Lee Dasom

Backup love interest: Sungmin

How you act around your backup interest: When they are around each other everything is a competiton to them. They would try to beat each other in anything but the outcome always is always them laughing at one another.

Backup interest's personality: Sungmin is from the band Super Junior. He shy when you just meet him but when you get to know him his is the sweetest guy you can ever meet. He is competitive and he would try to win in anything. He is a loving guy that likes to be out going and he would do anything he can to win something.


Any additional comments or questions: Hope you like her!!!! Please tell me if I made a mistake or missed one of them. Feel free to ask me to change something about my application. Don't worry. I don't bite.... Maybe.... Starlight Hwaiting~ !!!!


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