Application for J.tune new idol group


Username: Cheery


Your character:

Full Name: Kim Chae-rin

Age (not younger than 17):  19 years old

Birthdate: 04.04.1993

Blood Type: B

Ethnicity (At least half asian): Russian/Korean

Languages (not more than 4: Basic/Fluent): Fluent: Russia, Korea and English

Height: 1.64 m

Weight: 47 kg



Likes (4): Chocolate, Cats, Shoes and Bows

Dislikes (4): hyperactive people, dogs, when people try to make me mad and shy people (are really strange to me)

Habits (3): When I am bored I start to dance, Bit on my lips when I am embarrassed

Hobbys (5): dancing, watching movies, go shopping, meet my friends and karaoke

Fears: spiders and Robto

Strengths (2): dancing and acting

Weakness´(2): MC

Some Facts: 



Short Description: My body is well trained and proportions are really good (From my Russian family side). I have brown/red curly hair and blue-green eyes what everyone thinks that it is very charismatic.


Clothing Style: Fashionista liek this ->

Are you okay with hairstyle changes or something like that (You can also post some ideas...) I will stay with long curly hair



Stage Name/ English Name: Diva

Stage Personality: My stage peryonality is very cold and charismatic. I love to play the y or most called Diva. I never show a cute or lovely side. I show a strong charismatic side of me.

Position (Dancer, Rapper, Singer, Visual), (Lead-, Main-, Sub-): Lead Dancer or the eyecatcher of the band

I will choose the Maknae and the Leader, but put it here, if you want to be one of them: Leader

Training History (Trainee Life? His attitude towards training?): First I was at a small entertainment who no one knows. I was traine for 1 year and then I additioned at the JYP entertainmend and JYP choose me to the new girl group.

Relationship with Rain/JYP/Company: Towards the Companies I have a good and respectful relationship. I always try to do my best and never try to play against their wishes. But Rain and JYP knows that I can be very rude when I am angry and something is against me.

Relationship towards the members: Towards the members I try always be a respectful person too. I always act like "If you dont touch me I will not touch you". I try to avoid this and show the girls my best side. I really like them and love the girls. But when we are fighting I can be very mean..


Parents (age/job): Mother -> Kim Jaekyung (40) have a small cafe. Father -> (Russian) Kim Alex  (43) have a small cafe with mom

Sibblings: I am a only child

Relationship with the family: I really love my Parents. I am the only child and my parents always try to give me everything I need and want. They really love me.

Friends, Idols or not (up to 4): Jung Jessica (snsd) , CL (2ne1) and Kim Junsu (JYJ)

Relationship with friends: Cl is my best friend I know her for 5 years. Jessica is a good friend and I know her for 2 years. Kim Junsu was my neighbour when I was little.

Love Life:

Ideal Type (Short Description): He should love only me. This is what I always say. He must be masculine and he should have pretty hands. His personality should be very charismatic and nice.

Crush (2):  Kim Junsu (JYJ)


Other Informations about the character: Kim Junsu was always watching after me when we were young and now he is doing this too. He thinks I am the same girl when I was little. He loves to dance and hanging out with me. He is nice but sometimes it look like he is cold and is careless. Sometimes he show his cute side but for real he is more manly.. 

Ideas for his role in the history: After what happened between DBSK, Junsu stoped to contact me. When he finds out that I debut with a girl group he showed his interest and wated to keep our contact again. I was very sad that he because he stoped the contact and now he is searching for me like sudden..

Suggestion for fanclub name: hmm maybe heaven or sky


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