Pic Spam: Lee Chin Hwa

So I found this ulzzang and I immediately adore her!!!! <3333 Hehehe


Adorable right? *giggles*

I wish I looked as pretty as her......*pouts with jealousy*

So kyeopta! XD

I love her pictures...*O*

This one is my favorite so far.....:D

Ha! By now you're probably thinking. "I spent all this time sitting here looking at something pointless?!" Hehehe


Almost done!!! Ha! Now you're probably like "yes!" Hehehehe I'm so weird these days. O_O


All done!!! *cheers* Yay! Hehehehe *giggles*


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OH GOOD GAWD. *facepalms self* She knows DEATH NOTE??! *runs to computer to find her on the internet*
I'm jealous. She's prettier than me :P Now I'm depressed.

Why must i be ugly????