Love is ouch


Too bad that this song didn't get much attention


When love hits you bad

You get sick of it

You just feel like giving up on it

Let's face it

Love just isn't fair

It's a game

We experience happiness and bliss

But we'll never  be able to avoid the pain and heartache that comes with it

Love is Pain

Love is Happiness

Love is Tears

Love is Laughter

Love is Sacrifice

Love is One Of a Kind

Love is Ouch


What is love? Why do we love if we know that we'll get hurt?

Why are some successful with it when some aren't?

Why is love so unfair?

When someone breaks your heart then does that mean that you shouldn't love anymore?


It just means that the person that let you go was a stupid idiot

They don't deserve someone like you

They're too blind to see what you can be

You deserve someone so much better

Don't be with someone just because they're cool or popular

Or because you want someone too be with them

Life is short but there's no need to rush

Just wait and maybe, just maybe, the right one will come



I don't know why I typed this up, I sort of felt a little melancholy I think

I was just listening to the song above and I started typing this

I guess the questions above are questions that I've been asking myself and the answers are what I use for comfort

I've been loving the same guy for 3 years and he still doesn't realise what I feel for him

Either that or he treats my feelings as a joke


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