Help me please ^^


Ok, for anyone whose read my Jongkey oneshot... which is now a twoshot ^^; I sent it in for a contest thingy, do you guys mind commenting on it please? ^^ 

Part 1:

Actually update*** For some reason I can't find the linky thing to automatically go to the next part... soo... here ^^

Part 2:

There are the links... pleasee.... Help me win??? ;-; Oh and the deadline for the contest is tommorrow...

so.. comment today please (._.)

I actually don't know how they will decide the winner, but comments won't hurt right?? So please ^^ help out ^^ Just scroll down to the end and leave a comment... and the second part is found beside the title where it says next entry ^^ That's the second part... comment on both.. or one at least! 

Please! Thank so much in advance if you do ^^♥♥



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