I Am An Airbender

I am like Aang except I have long hair. Kekeke.

According to THIS as a Gemini I am an airbender.


Gemini : The First Air zodiac is like an air ball. They are fast as fire and creative as water. Talented in every field and born leaders. They are very generous and diplomatic.

I have to admit it's kinda accurate. WEEEEH!!!


I found this through a post made about TOP and Jiyong. 


Here's what it says about Ji.


Leo :  This second fire sign is very cruel and its ruling planet is the sun. They also rule the heart and blood and can be very lethal. They are very demure and talk to the point. They look like a king.


Then TOP's supposedly:


SCORPIO - This is the third water bending zodiac. This sign is known as The Killers. They are intuitive and live like an emperor.

Doesn't it fit them perfectly?




UPDATE: Wait, I just realized: 'fast as fire and creative as water' ---- so I'm like Jiyong and TOP in one? WHOAH! I AM AWESOME!!! ahahahaha...ohkaye...bye...


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WOW .... (Fantastic Baby) yes you are awesome
as for me I'm a Libra
Leo right here! XD and yes, you are awesome! :D
mylizalife #3
Yes, YOU ARE!!! I'm a LEO. and I'm a Queen. lol
I don't believe in the zodiac but according to my research, I am an Aquarius. It's fun reading what others say about it though XD