Really? REALLY!?


You've gotta be kidding me........

Hey guys~ I'm typing up this blog entry on my mom's computer because my oldest computer in the house crashed yesterday. I'm so so so so SOOOOOO lucky that I moved all of my files onto a flashdrive. x___x If I hadn' stories, pictures, music, and...well.....a LOT of important files would've been lost.

But that's not the point right now.

That's the only computer in my house that has Microsoft Word. And.......since all of my stories (minus "Otaku Love!") I wrote on Microsoft Word.....I'm not able to access them right now. x__x Meaning Amu Tsurugi and The Akatsuki's New Member is going to be put on hold for even LONGER now. (#-_-) Sigh~~~ Right when I was going to start writing Amu Tsurugi and The Akatsuki's New Member

Until then, I'm thinking of writing a few chapters of other stories I've never gotten around to uploading before. xD A few of them are called "Kana no Tears", "Subject 16", "Report to Zero", and....well.....I've got a ton others, but I never even got around to WRITING them!! xDD I've decided it's about time to start, if I do say so myself. Also, to miss KAwaii_aKumA if you're reading this (If you guys didn't know, I'm the co-writer of KAwaii_aKumA's "Forgotten Melody" ^-^):

I AM SOOOOO SOOORRRRRYYYYYYYYY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I was going to start writing the newest chapter, know. Computer crashed. Don't worry though! @-@ I'll write the newest chapter here on asianfanfics if I've got the time. Thanks for being patient with me. ><


Also, MY PLAY IS GOING TO START SHOWING NEXT WEEK!!!!!!! I'm EXHAUSTED. We've had so many practices, it's ridiculous. I get shot, killed, then dragged off, which is kinda cool..xD Anyways, yeah that makes even less time to write. Uwahhhh~~~ ;m; Sumimasen m(_ _)m

Well~ Until next time, please enjoy this picture:

(Haine Rammsteiner from "Dogs: Bullets and Carnage" ;D You're welcome~)


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