♠ Ace Application ♠


♠ Ace Application 


Contact Info:

Username: ChOrCeE

Profile Link: http://www.asianfanfics.com/profile/view/88081 


Character Info:

Name: Kim JaeSeok

Age: 19 y/o

Date of Birth: February 19,1993

Place of Birth: Okinawa , Japan

Ethnicity: Korean-Japanese

Height: 184cm

Weight: 56kg

Blood TypeA-


Lets See how you look:


Name: Kwak MinJun









How you act around people:  JaeSeok gives off this serious and a little stuck up vibe, therefore, people who are meeting him for the first time tend to think he's hard to get to know, but deep down.  He's one of the most affectionate and flirtatious person. He loves playing around esp. with peoples feelings which everyone finds to be annoying. He doesn't care! Yes! As long as he's enjoying everything . He's a rude and a ruthless person. A guy who doesn't care about other's feelings as long as everythings fine with him. He's straightforward and cold hearted. A personwho doesn't respect anyone except his mom. 

Eventhough he's like this he also has his soft spot. He can be a super caring and loving person when your important to him. Will be sentimental and emotional at times. He can hurt others physically or emotionally just to protect them



Cute Girls




Alcoholic drinks


Naive people 


Cute things 



Flirting whenever he sees cute girls 


Drinking alcoholic drinks when thinking


All about you-

Give me your lifes story:

Since JaeSeok was born his dad wasn't present. Up until know he didn't appeared infront of them. No. Not a single second. Or a minute. And because of that he cursed his father. Cursing him for not taking the responsibility for his mom. He wanted to find him and slash out his neck everytime when he and his mom was talking about his father. Seeing his beloved mother crying while mentioning his fathers name hurts him so much. That's why he grew like this. Yes. Everyone hates him for not respecting them but he didn't care. As of now, he's still searching for his dad so that his burden will be lessen. Without the knowing of his mom who's there always at his side.



Family Background: 

JaeSeok grew up with the care of his mom. His dad was nowhere to be found since he was born ,nobody knows the reason. Nobody knows. But besides this, he loves his mother well and will even risk his own life protecting her for she's the only person he cares about and respect alot.


Family Members: 

Kim InSeo | 47 | A Doctor |Mom | She's responsible and lovely.

Kim JaeMin | 48 | Unknown | Dad | They say he's an over protective and a caring husband.


Street Rep-

Name: Blade

Group Position: ♠ The Leader 


Love Life and Friends-

Status: Single and proud


ZiCo [BlocK B]

Yong JunHyung [BEAST]

SeYong [Myname]

Love Interests: 

Song ShiAe [Hearts, Is it okay?]


How You Joined: 

He created the group because he heard athe rumors about the 6 girls who's tougher than any other gangs. He wanted to test their ability ,to see if they're cute and.. One thing more , to find his father and kill him right away.


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