SOA application


Let's get personal...

Username: zelo_youngminnie

Link to your profile: click here!

Name: Tammy

Activeness : 10

Contact: AFF


Basic Information...

Character name: Kim Yoo Rin/   

Nickname(s): Princess/ her parents call her, their little "princess"

Birthday: 01/11/93

Age: 19

Nationality: 100% Korean

Birthplace: Los Angeles, California

Blood type: AB

Languages:  Korean/ fluent, English/ fluent (she was born in the U.S.), Mandarin/ fluent (took lessons since she was little)



Height: 174cm/5'8

Weight: 49kg/ 108lbs

Ulzzang / Model Name: Baek Sumin

Ulzzang / Model Picture : It's All Here!

Back-up Ulzzang / Model Name: Jung Roo

Back-up Ulzzang / Model Picture: Here

Style: She likes wearing shorts and dresses with black or pastel color. She usually wears high heels and shoulder bags.  She likes adding extra accessories and she likes wearing casual clothes.


Casual / Formal/Comfortable/ Party/Girly


Character Information...

Personality:  Despite her cold appearance, she is actually really nice and friendly. She likes talking and isn't afraid to stand up for herself and her friends. She always come up to new kids/people and start talking to them because she doesn't like people feeling lonely. A lot of people think that she is snobby and cold, because of her appearance and her family's power, but once you get to know her, she is the complete opposite. She doesn't like bossing people around and she is really caring. She likes to play aroung and hang out with her friends, because she gets really lonely at home. Sometimes, she can be really weird and space out, but afterwards, she always laugh at how ridiculous she must have looked. She is a perfectionist and doesn't stop work until she gets it right. She has a lot of cuteness in her and she would use it to get what she wants.

She does have some bad points, though. She can be really lazy and she doesn't like to clean up after herself. Being born and raised in a rich family, she doesn't know how to do many things like cooking.Since she is a perfectionist, everytime she gets something wrong, she gets really sad or angry. Sometime, her talkativeness can really annoy people, but she has learned to keeep shut. She likes attention and sometime does crazy things because she is the only child in her family. Occassionally, she would throw a fake temper tantrum whenever her parents do something that she doesn't like or annoys her. 

Another bad thing about her is her view on relatiopnship. Her first boyfriend, had ignored her and broke their promise, after she moved to a different school. After that, she doesn't trust a lot of people but she still talks to them. She did have a few boyfriends afterward, but she didn't feel anything special between them. She hopes that one day, she will be able to find her true love, just like in her dreams or in fairytales.

History: She was born in sunny California. Her parents had moved there a few years ago to follow their dreams, and now, it has come true. Her dad was the CEO and founder of the biggest construction company in the world and her mom was a famous fashion designer. Yoo Rin was brought up in a luxurious life and had everything she wanted...except for one thing. A REAL family. Her parents were always too busy and away on business trips. They had no time for her and she couldn't remember the last time that her family has eaten together. To make it worse, she was an only child. To make up for that, she had a lot of friends and was popular in school. She even had a couple of boyfriends, but they didn't last long.

She found out about kpop through her friends, who were crazy fans. When she looks back, she couldn't believe that she didn't know what kpop was. Slowly, she became addicted and eventually lead the group of crazy fangirls A.K.A her friends. One day, she heard about the S.M. global auditions, and decided to try out. It was easy for her since she was talented in singing. dancing, and rapping. When she learned that she had made it into S.M., she was worried about what her parents would say. But her rebellious side kicked in. She left for South Korea secretly and started training.

When she started training, she had a hard time. Gradually,she became friends with all the trainees and the training got easier. When her parents found out about her plan, which was three months later, they wanted her to go home. She threw another one of her fake "temper tantrum" , so they let her stay, since she was their little "princess." Days became weeks, then months, and eventually years. She wanted to quit but being the hardworking and awesome person that she was, she decided to keep working. Finally, all of the hard work paid off, she was asked to debut in the new S.M. girlgroup.

Likes: Eating (who doesn't?)

Sleeping (she likes dreaming)

Cute things ( they're just so...CUTE)

Ice cream (pure perfection)

Shopping (her passion for clothes came from her mom)

Movies (they make her happy)

Stars (they're so pretty and bright)

Her friends ( they make her laugh and they are all really playful)

Dislikes: bugs ( they're so disguting)

Waking up ( she doesn't like her dreams being disrupt)

Dark (everything scary happens in the dark)

Heat (it makes her feel uncomfortable)

Excersising (i mean, come on, who likes to sweat?)

Scary things (they scare her to death)

Liars ( she wants to hear the truth)


Hobbies: singing (she likes hearing her beautiful voice)

Dancing ( she feels free)

Rapping (she likes saying thing really fast and with  a beat)

Playing guitar ( she can bring it anywhere with her )

Hanging out with friends ( they make her laugh and forget all of her problems)

Listening to music ( music is her life)

Habits: Pouting (when she is mad or angry)

Puffing her cheeks (when she concentrates)

Dancing and singing ( weirdly when she is bored)

Trivia: She has really bad sleeping habits ( sometime, she falls off of her bed)

Her role models are SNSD unnies

She is an EXOTICS and SONES (both groups are awesome)

She used to be a vegan ( she gave up when she fell in love with ice cream)

Her favorite color is black

Does your character use profanities?: [ ] yes [ ] no [ x] sometimes

If so, in which language? English


Let's get social...


Name: Kim Jae Hwa


Birthday: 11/25

Personality: Very hard working and focuses on his work. He has a playful side but hardky shows it. He looks strict and mean but is a softy at heart. Wants to give his family everything that they want. He is very dependable and reliable. He is smart and doesn't like people who try to befriend him for his money.

Relation to your character: Her dad. Yoo Rin and her dad have a very loving relationship and he likes to spoil her. She misses him alot because he is usually never at home. On the rare occassion when he is home, they likes to spend time together and have a father-daughter day.

Dead or alive: Alive


Name: Lee Hana

Age: 44

Birthday: 06/13

Personality: She is very fashionable and is also hard working. She is chic and has a cold presence around her. She is very serious and likes things to be done correctly. She is kind of strict but also care free. She likes people to be able to do whatever they want and she is very creative.

Relation to your character: Yoo RIn and her mom like to spend time with each other. They usually go shopping whenever her mom has time. She can always tell her mom her secrets and her mom would come to her whenever she has a problem. Sometime she would get really sad and mad at her mom for laeving her by herself at home.

Dead or alive: Alive



doesn't have siblings





Relation to your character:

Dead or alive:



Best Friend (1 only)

Name: Oh Sehun

Age: 19

Birthday: 04/12

Personality: He might seem very shy and cold but he really is not. He likes to mess around and paly pranks on people. He isn't afraid to joke around with stranger and is very friendly  toward people. He tends to hide whenever he is sad or mad.

How he/she acts around your character:They like messing around with each other and they can always tell each other about their problems and secrets. They know how to make each other laugh and comforts one another when they are down. People nickname them the "Joker"


Friends (max 4)

Name: Byun Baek-hyun

Age: 19 (turning 20)

Birthday: 05/06

Personality: He and Sehun have very similar personality. He is the joker in EXO and likes to tease people. Sometime he would do funny things like pretend to be in a CF,  to get people to laugh. He has an amazing voice and pretty good dancing skills. All of that and his good looks. make girls fall head over heels for him.

How he/she acts around your character: He acts like an oppa to Yoo Rin. He takes care of her and makes her laugh when she feels down. He would sometime sing a lullaby to get Yoo Rin to sleep. They would tease each other and sometime the y would even play a prank on Sehun.


Name: Amber


Birthday: 11/18

Personality: despite her tomboy look, she has a girly side. She likes to do cute things and play around with her friends. She has a care free image and a funny side. She looks clueless sometimes due to the fact that she doesn't know how to fluently speak Korean.

How he/she acts around your character: They like to talk about girl stuff and train together. They help each other with things like rapping, singing. dancing, and acting. Sometimes they would go out to eat and sometimes shop for clothes.






How he/she acts around your character:






How he/she acts around your character:



Who is your rival? None (she is too friendly)

Reason for rivalry: 


Love Interest

Love interest: Luhan

How do you two act around each other?: They act like thay hate each other and often like to tease each other in public. But when they are by themselves or with close friends, they would act really lovey-dovey. Yoo Rin feels comfortable around him and she thinks he might be the one, and so does Luhan. They like to play around and practiced together when they were trainees.

Do you keep in contact?: [x ] yes [ ] no [ ] sometimes

If so, how?: They would call or text each other to give support and sometime they would even visit each other whenever one of them appear on a show. When they have free time, they would go out and have a "date." They like to go eat with each other and buy cute things like couple keychains.

Scene requests: When they appear on running man and they pick each other as partners and when they try to do missions together.

Group Information...

Positions: jack of all trades( or main rapper, main dancer)

Public persona: Bubbly Princess ( she always seem to have a smile on her face and a bright spirit)

Persona: Joker ( since she likes playing around and pulling pranks on people)

Fan club name:Stars (since she likes stars and she thinks that they are bright and light up her world)

Fan club color: Turquoise 

Stage name: Annie ( since her English name is Annabelle)




Password: Pie is the ultimate desert

Anything else?:


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