Being Hyped - Youjin style - The Dragon Tattoo :D

The result I had after 5 cans of coke and hours of planning with an evil expression:




I had this amazing brain storm innit? 8D I FINALLY HAVE THE FULL PLAN FOR DRAGON TATTOO~!!!!!!!!! ... yeah, go me :D LIKE SO MANY THINGS TO WRITE THOUGH!! D': and I'm not even joking =_= whoaa.. this is gonna be ONE LOONG  FIC :D I hope people don't mind that? But then, I suppose, LOOONG FICS ARE JUST GREAT? 8D8D DON'T PEOPLE AGREE WITH ME? A certain girl called YOUHEE is going to be IN THE FIC :D AND SO'S SOME OTHER RANDOM PEOPLE THAT I AM GOING TO ANNOUNCE LATER~! >.< ... did I ever mention that a box is a perculiar being? It can say 'I can contain anything, anywhere at any time'. HOW AWESOME CAN IT GET?



IT CAN'T!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!




Dubu is lovely and soft <3 but he's going to be much TOUGHER LATER IN THE FIC 8D TAEMIN... seems invincible? You shall see :) CHARACTER DEATH SHALL OCCUR; terribly sorry :'( but I IT HAS TO HAPPEN TO MAKE EVERYTHING WORK! Don't bash - IT REMINDS ME OF BASHFULNESS; an extremely innapropriate word to use at this time :/ hmm, yeah. I'm feeling quite proud of myself that I spelt that 8D kukukukuku.... ANYWAY; back to DRAGON TATTOO - Mblaq may just peek in; SHINEE may actually exist; WIERD PAIRINGS MAY JUST ENTER; users who are lovely to me may be INCLUDED (not as a major character obviously ^^) - and did I ever tell you.... THAT GDRAGON IS ONE FIT- BEING??!!!!.... I did, right? ^^;;


That's all from ME; PEOPLE.






you see folks, coke is unhealthy.



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Can't wait! ^_^ <br />
coke is a gift since it helped u write this! <br />
woot! can;t wait for that update ^^ *excited*
jelly_jonghyun #2
OHMYGOD Youjin is gone... LOL.. I mean gone mad !! XD yeah coke is unhealthy for you!! How can you drink so much you're stomach would be field with gas and to release it it's either from your mouth or your... *coversnose* yea !! WAHAHAHA but you're so hyped up XD
SuperSapphire #3
ye. you did tell me that gdragon is one fit- being.<br />
unnie, you shouldnt drink coke. no, you shouldnt. its bad for you.<br />
cant freakin wait for your next dragon tattoo update XD<br />
lol larv yaaaa <3
woooot a fic!!!!!! XD