Day 8: Infinite 30 Days Meme


Day 8 - Infinite song that makes you emotional


Can U Smile (Remake). I swear, this remake version was one of the best-est songs they have. :) The guitar accompaniment really helps to set that emotional mood on me. Though I also like the original version, I think this one's effing better. Well, for me, the best out of the three versions. ;D One of my favorite slow songs from them.

Hoya you badass gorgeous flawless rapper IDE!!! <3


BTD (Before the Dawn). While this song does not really make me emotional as in the 'sad' emotional, still I choose this one because it sort of... makes me feel the creepiness of the song? IDK how to explain it. XD All I know is I get all this feeling of revenge and resentment or something like that when I hear BTD. :)


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