I can't Stand It! xD



There are always these really awesome apply fics by awesome authors that I

NEVER NEVER EVER apply for...

Do you know why? Because it's so sososososo LONG! :O

I mean yeah, I'm applying for it but do you REALLY need every single tiny detail about my trainee days? D;

Seriously. Pisses. Me. Off. BECAUSE

I want to get in but I don't really know what you're looking for AND THEN

you're asking me to spend about an hour on the application?

NO. Just NO. >W<

Haha, I mean YES, we're applying so we should work hard on it

but I spend at least half an hour on normal, basic applications so why should I

spend more time on useless things?

For F***'s SAKE!!!! AISH.


But seriously, please be realistic!

If you want me to describe things that's okay but asking for more than five lines on the trainee days, then trainee friends

then trainee background!? And then similar for everything else!?

That's seriously asking too much.

Especially since you're asking for long and descriptive personality and backgrounds!





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I'd usually say details are good and this IS how you build up a character, but most writers don't even add these information in their stories. There's nothing wrong with these kind of detailed apps. That's how you start writing your own story anyway. Can you blame them for wanting to really attempt capturing your character? Especially if it's going to be a chaptered fic. Oneshots are different as you only really need the most basic of details. <br />
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Then again, most people don't seem to understand what details are vital in a plot idea and what are not.
Cerebral #2
I really only use 5 details from the applications I get from my one-shots. What really is that they probably do the same too. Or maybe that's just me, who knows :O
Woah! Bad language dongsaeng!!!!!!!!