It hurts...

Why is it that when you go back to something you use to, it just hurts and you feel out of place?

it's like I want burst out of tears, remembering those sweet memories to a heartbreaking ending. Maybe I haven't moved on...? I loved them too much...? Or maybe I just can't face the fact that it's all over...?

This is such an emotional post. Me, smiling bitterly as I type this thing....

I'm gonna stop now before I make this post too long. I'll try to move on even though I think it's impossible for  me to~




I will always miss this....







!~I promise to be a better Kissme, Xanderette and Kibumster~!


Sorry to waste your time... *bows*


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:C i miss the original u-kiss too :C
I know that feeling.... With DBSK's thing that happened I only just realised that the other three members weren't there to comfort him... That fact broke my heart.

I'm not trying to steal your thunder or anything like that :S
Best man forever!!!!
awwwww i know exactly how you feel. when my ipod is on shuffle and it plays an old U-Kiss song im just </3