Hwasong Shrine App




Username: MulticultureINSPIRIT

Profile Link: http://www.asianfanfics.com/profile/view/47710



Name: Ekisho'Crystal' Jung-Matsua

Nickname: Crystal


Date of Birth: (02/20/1994)



Ekisho is really kind hearted and caring, she thinks of other people before, actually thinking of herself. She believes that you should not judge people based on their looks, but personality. She open-minded, she'll try something first before judging anything. She often worrys that people judge her, so she trys to show her personality, so they see what they are going to get from her. She loves to help in tough situations, no matter what's the case. she believes that you should help anyone. she believes once you make a promise, you should never break a promise, no matter what

She very sweet except for in the morning, it takes a 180 flip, she is colder, she like an ice princess in the morning, until she wakes up, she usually more quiet, when sleepy, because she worried about being rude. She whines more and complains more, if she does open . she trys not to be negative, but in the morning it can't be help. She snaps much easier then she would when she fully awake, she thinks that everyone in the morning is too loud, rude, and annyoning, she often just watches them interact, also during a thunder storm or blackout, she becames weak, so she won't talk, she just stay holding on to what's closes to her

She loves to joke around with her closest friends, but not mean jokes. She very protective over her friends, she hates when people fight, especially people who are close to her, she hates when she gets into a fight with her friends or anyone close to her. She very wise, she always solving her friends problem, she extremely dense when it comes to her own problems, but she usally solve it later


Likes: Sweets, Dogs, Cute things, Baking, Classical music, Rain(calm rain, not storming), Swiming, Dreams

Dislikes: Agurments. Liars and Lying,Cussing. Fake people. The dark. being called a cry baby, brat, etc. having someone close to me, upset at me, breaking promises.

Habits: I has to sleep holding something or i won't fall asleep. When I'm bored, i stare at random people and focus on them. I write things in English then i translate it to korean or japanese. I hate being called a cry baby, brat, etc, so i glare harshly when i'm called that. When she disagree she'll say objection. grabbing people and holding onto them during thunder storms, and or blackouts, talking in english when mad

Trivia: I hate eating vegetables. I have a puppy named Yuki, he' a shiba inu pup. I been dancing ballet,tap, and jazz for 12 years now. I'm terrified of the dark, and thunder storms. I love oranges, but i'm allergic. I'm a 3rd year, at S.Korea International School(Its a highschool and college^_^). I can speak japanese and english fluently, but i can't write hangul or kanji very well. my korean is only at above basic level. 


Ulzzang Name: Park Seul Ki









Back Up Ulzzang Name: Kim Jeein




Fashion Style: I usually wear skirts and legging, i wear jegging and skinny jeans, i usually wear flat boots, tennis shoe, or flats. I pretty much wear anything cute and comfortable. I only dress formal when needed.


Family members:

Ayume Matsua|40| Pastry chef| she strict on me, yet very caring even though she often in paris, as she works training future chef. We're more like sisters then mother and daughter

Jung Yunhyun |57| CEO of JungFashion Coperation and J.R Paradise| we are close, but sometime it feels like he not happy with my choices, but in the end he still loves me no matter what, he also protective and very strict, he strict as he wants me to be like yunho and take over J.R Paradise

 Jung Yunho|27| President  of JungFashion Coperation| We are really close, even though he my half brother, he like my best friend, he makes me work harder, he my rock and shoulder, when i need to cry, without being called a cry-baby or a brat. He very protective, 

Best Friend(s): Lee Sungjong||College student|| Best friends since forever, we been friends since we were 4 and 5, he a year older then me, he treats my like his little sister  Krystal Jung|KPOP Idol| She my sister, basically, we are super close


Love interest(s): Wu Fan/Kris|Lee Sungjong|Ahn Daniel/ Niel

About him:

Wu Fan||21|he a cold ice prince, well in front of strangers, he has his wacky times and moments, he can't admit his feelings very well, he gets embarrassed when it comes to lovey dovey stuff, especially in public. He also gets shy at doing couple-y things, like holding hands, etc. He has a kind heart, but he changes for his images, so he'll act like a totally jerk, infront of people, who see him at his job, even though he a kid at heart. But he really serious and scary when he upset, he quiet and more observant, waiting for the right thing to set off his fuse, when he mad, that person is died to him. when he jealous, he act similar, but he more talkative, and clingy in a way, like he'll cut people off, and be all tough guy about it and correct the person. If i'm sad, he'll get worried and try to comfort me.

Lee SungJong|19| He a super sweet and very protective when it comes to his friends, he really kind to strangers, but he still very cautious about the person. When cares about something, he so protective about it. He very dense about his feelings, when it comes to love. he also can seem to be dimwitted, but actually is very smart. Even though he is usually happy, he can be angered somewhat easily, and can be very intimidating at times.

Ahn Daniel|19|He  Extremely playful, and naughty, has a huge thing for skinship but understanding and gentle when it's needed always teasing me. He always smiling, his laugh is very contagious, he always making me laugh, when i'm sad, i cry silent tears, so usually he come and sit next to me, and laid his head on my head. when he mad, it get's kind of scary, as he has a dark glare on his face and he doesn't say anything, to the person he mad at he acts like they're not there. When he's jealous he acts similar to when he mad, but he more observant, and he talks, but in a rude way.



What can we help you with?

(Kris) To help get us to prove that age is just a number AND that anything is possible, when it comes to love. The problem is that we became so far away from each other, he says it because I act Immature at times, I look too young, and he feels like he babysiting me. it's gotten so bad, to where  when "I love you" would be said, he would say "I love you more!" but now, when it's said, it's just a "Okay, yeah, alright, Mmm, or ~SIGH~ okay and huge eye roll. but it just Im Yoona fault, his co-worker, she tells him that I'm too immature and we don't fit well. I prayed to the shrine, because the situation at the boiling point, to where all we do is fight: he scolds and complain, i ask why, he snaps, i try to explain myself,he just walk aways, but when i walk away trying not to fight, i'm immature, i really hate this, I really tired of us fighting, I want us to be back to normal and I don't want him to leave.

(Sungjong) To let's us become more then friends, and let him admit his feelings, I got sick of waiting, so i prayed for him to admit his feelings and us to be more. he can't admit his feelings, but we both it's know he has feelings, but he thinks of me as little sister

(Niel) To let us, be know as a couple.I prayed because i couldn't handle it anymore,  i was sick  of queenkas and other girls touching him. He doesn't have the courage to confess about us, he too worried about his image, i really want him to put his image aside, and be proud of our relationship


Your prayer to the shrine: (Kris) i don't know, so can you write one ^_^

(Sungjong) Please let him see i want to be  more the friends, and for him to not look at me as his little sister, give him to courage to confess

(Niel) Please write this one too -_- Sorry, i could not think of one.

Relationship with him:

(Kris) It used to be loving and caring even though there were so many challeges, like our ages and sometimes even langauges barrier. We always spent as much time  as we could together, he would always pick me up from school even though he was busy at his father company, he would always take his lunch breaks, to pick me up from school, and take me out to eat, then we would go to his company, get nasty looks, but we didn't care, i would always watch him work or do my homework, while stealing looks from each other, but soon we became distant, what caused it was our and what people say about his image and us , nowaday we fight often over simple things, and it turns to really bad fights, where no one talks, no one sleeps in the same room, no hugs or resurring kisses, no spending time together, not coming home for 2 weeks the longest, we used to say "I love you" but those words have became of the past. The words "Your so childish" or "I'm sick of you" and the one that hurts the most  "What the point of us being together, we should just break up, that what needs to happen" those words have been in our vocabulary, the most.

(SungJong) We act like couple, but he never say his feelings, so we are close friends but, that all just friends

(Niel) We are secret couple, so we don't do couple things in public, in fact we don't talk to each other whats so ever, as he a kingka and i'm a nerd. But when it just us, we are inseparable, even though we hide it from the world it still really sweet

Love Rival: Im Yoona, she 21, she works along side kris at his job as his personal secretary. She extremely two faced, she really sweet at first, but then she a totally witch, she hates when kris attentions or any guy that she likes for example, attention not on her, she a good person, but not when your in the way of something she wants, she wants to have it no matter what.


Questions? Comments? Concerns? Suggestions? Requests? Anything can go here: I was confused do they has to be Idols?, i can change it if its needed :3 Hehe P.S Have fun writing the fic ^_^


Ohh mother of buddha.. Kris you don’t know how frustrated i am about how i wish my  was your hand…  YOU KRIS!  YOU HARDCORE





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