Why is my username in some stories?

Ok, I saw this in a few stories lately. My user name, Jbunnygirl22, was in those stories I read. I was wondering why it was there. I don't want to make a big deal out of it. I didn't know if I should be flattered or not, but it didn't make sense when it was there. What you guys think?


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Chiyosora #1
Omygod. Now i know. Huh.
chankaimi #2
i've read at least 5 stories with my username
Ahk,if anyone knows any bts stories like that pleeease give me the link~
I've read a certain fanfic then I found my name as Kris' "GIRLFRIEND". I jumped and got a big bump on the head. (take note, I was sitting on the lower part of a bunk bed)
Now I know that it was just some code. I'll use that sometimes too. :)
Oh cool! :D Now I know not to be freaked out when I see my username! I'm not hallucinating then! :DDD Haha... O: It still scared me a bit.
lewl, at first I thought like 'ooh~ I'm famous! XD Wait.. and how the cake did she knew me?! o.o' then I logged out and read the story again and I saw it 'you'. =__=
oh, lol that's my name was in the story...it freaked me out a bit at first....
LifeisLove #9
wait... how do you write the code in the story or in this case the 'you'???
i still dont get it...... do your username just appear in the story or do you have to do something to make it appear?
its an html code~
it's a funnny thing 'cause i asked the same yesterda haha<br />
It's that new "you" setup thingy like everyone else says :)
oh would u look at tht the code doesn't show on this haha you have to put more than just "you" lol