Another Convert to the Hallyu Wave!

Hello lovelies.
    I just wanted to share a personal victory with you all that I think you’ll be able to appreciate.

    About a month ago when I was on break, I had to pick up my younger brother from school. I had my iPod plugged into my stereo, because I refuse to listen to American music and often go for weeks without listening to it, and as we were pulling out of the parking lot TVXQ’s “Keep Your Head Down” came on. As I’m sitting there, singing along as best I can, I looked over to find my brother bobbing his head in time to the music. About half way through, he asked, “Who is this? I really like it.”
I replied, “Dong Bang Shin Ki or Tohoshinki.”
“Which one is it?”
“It’s two names for the same group.”
“Oh. That Korean group you’re always listening to?”
I nodded.
“Can I get this song from you then?”
Inside, I was having a mini victory dance, but I managed to reply with a calm “Sure.”
    With an idea in my head, I proceeded to play some BIGBANG, SHINee, U-Kiss, B.A.P, and more DBSK. My brother kept asking who they were and what they were saying. Fortunately, I have a general idea of the meanings and was able to give a rough idea. He would always nod his head and clearly enjoy the music. After we got home, I lent him my laptop to get as much music as he wanted.

 Then, last weekend, I went home again and brought some of the CD’s I’d bought in New York.
When I started to explain who they were, he immediately stopped me and took the DBSK’s Rising Sun to look at, saying, “I know who they are.”
Later on when we had to go to the carwash, he brought Rising Sun along and popped it into the stereo. As we drove along, he started asking me questions about DBSK and some of the others groups, making several comments that warmed my K-pop obsessed heart.

About DBSK:
“That’s only two people? Why’d they break up? That’s awful!”
“I can’t decide between Triangle and Keep Your Head Down.”

“I really like GD and T.O.P. I wish T.O.P would sing more. His voice is badass.”
“What’s that song you really like? Baby Don’t Cry? Which one sings that one? That’s one of my favorites too.”

About SHINee:
“Lucifer is badass. Did you get more of their songs?”

About K-Pop in general:
“All of them are awesome singers. I don’t blame you for not listening to American music.”
“Are there even any bad Korean singers?"

*Evil laughter* SUCESS! I have made another Cassie, VIP, and Shawol for sure! Once school ends, I plan to immerse him in K-Pop even more. I'm currently working on making him a Kiss Me and Primadonna as well, but I'm sure I can get him hooked on a lot more. I know he probably won't be as enthusiastic as me and the almighty Key will still be Pajama boy to him, but at least now I'll have someone at home to share my love of K-Pop with and won't be continually telling me my boys look like girls.

Anyway, I thought some of you might find this story amusing and hopefully it did give you a chuckle or two. With that, I bid you farewell until the next time. Go forth and spread the Hallyu Wave my sisters (and brothers if there are any)! Saranghae.



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Hahahahahaha nice unnie! One person more in the hallyu wave! :D
AegyoJangmi #2
Lmao, nice! Introduce him to suju! We needs more boy ELFs! Lol
#3 managed to 'convert' him, didn't you?! *giggles* Daebak unnie, daebak! I had some classmates that had the same questions about k-pop...