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-- the real you.
[ username ] mickeymickeymouse
[ profile link ] me
-- do i know you?
[ character name ]  Song Minyah 
[ nickname/s ]  Minnie
[ birthday ] April, 2
[ age ] 18
[ ethnicity ]  Full Korean
[ birthplace ] Seoul, Korea
[ hometown ] Seoul
[ languages spoken ] Korean [fluent], Chinese [Basic], Japanese [Conversional], French [Fluent]
[ blood type ] AB
-- look at me now.
[ ulzzang/model name ]  Song ah ri
[ ulzzang/model pictures ]  1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5
[ back-up ulzzang/model name ] Do Hoe ji
[ back-up ulzzang/model pictures ] 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 |
[ style ]  Her style depends on how she's feeling or the event she's going to.  She like the "tomboy" style saying that it is more comfortable than blouses and skirts. She only wears girly things when her friends force her to. The one thing she vowed she'd never do is to wear un-comfortable clothes just because it looked good. 
[ extras/hidden ]  >She has a scar on her shoulder from when she was a child and she slipped in the bathroom and held on to the sink but she fell and the sink fell with her. She received numerous stiches. 
                              > She has a tattoo on her whole wrist that says "may the odds be ever in your favor" 
-- behind that face.
[ personality ]  
Minyah is the best as faking smiles. You can never guess if she's faking or not. She only cares about her friend's happiness and keeps her problems to herself. She thins she's ugly even though people say she looks too young for her age. For a 24 year old, she's never been kissed but that doesn't bother her at all. She doesn't let anyone kiss her unless he's the one same goes for saying "I love you". When people tell her she's a wimp or a girly girl she will get on her bad side because even though she seems all bubbly and sweet, She never likes being a girly girl. She loves sports especially basket ball and she thinks she gets along with boys better than girls. She is not spoiled and she is very humble even though her family is very rich. 
Her goal in life is to find a boy version of her. Any other kind of boy won't do. She still likes watching kid shows because she is VERY immature. She may be getting old but inside she's never growing up. She's like the female version of Peter pan. She loves animals ad has a soft spot for children. She doesn't care if you're different. If you're nice to her, she'll be nice to you. It's as simple as that. She's very bipolar when she's bored. One minute she's kindly asking you to play a board game with her, The next thing you know she's screaming at you to change the channel. She loves oversized things for some odd reason and she likes to call her friends- even her female friends- "dude" or "bro". She usually has a bad mouth but tries her best ot control it. 
Her friends say she's too boyish to be a girl but she just shrugs and laughs at their comments. They usually force her to wear girly clothes, force her to have a manipedi with them and forces her to go to bars and parties with them. She's claustrophobic and she has anemia. Her family is always her number one even though they aren't really there for her. She can learn how to do something just by watching something on youtube. From dances to piano lessons you name it. She LOVES ice cream. If there is no ice cream in the refrigerator, even in the middle of the night, SHE WILL BUY SOME. Her favorite flavour is Mango. She is a very determined person and will do anything to reach her dreams but if it makes her lose her pride, She will not agree. 
[ background ] 
Miyah's umma's water broke in the middle of a very very very important meeting that could set the future of her umma's career and no matter how much her umma tried to hide it she would yell in pain. She kept faking  it until there was no way to go to the hospital now and it was too late when someone finally called an ambulance. The baby was coming out. Since the meeting was with highly respected doctors, Miyah's umma gave birth right on the long meeting table. With only a first aid kit in hand and a pair of scissors and gloves, they were able to bring Minyah into this world. Her appa came bursting in since they worked in the same building. There was a moment of joyous tears before the ambulance came and brought her umma to the hospital. 
They always get a laugh or two about that story. As Minyah grew up her parents got busier. They worked even on weekends and they never had time for her. But she'd get used to it and even stay up late at night for her parents to come home. She didn't do that well in school and was bullied constantly but she didn't mind and gave it her best. After performing in a school talent show and winning, She instantly became popular but she never let the fame get to her head. She still stuck with her true loyal friends and never joined the fake, plastic popular girls. 
[ likes ]  ~Food
              ~ Varsity jackets
              ~ Video games
              ~ Skate boards
              ~ Crafts
             ~Comedy series or movies
[ dislikes ]  ~Arrogant people
                    ~Girls who overdose on the aegyo
                    ~ Heat
                    ~ Being bored
                    ~ Girly girl things
[ hobbies ]  ~Singing
                    ~Playing instruments
                    ~ Watching kiddie shows
                    ~Surfing the net
                    ~Writing short stories
[ habits ]  ~Taps foot when bored
                 ~Talks to self when nervous
                 ~ Blinking too much when amazed
                 ~ Falling down when too excited
                 ~ Stuttering when concentrating
                 ~ Procrastinating
[ trivia ]  ~Minyah likes to be called by her nickname more than her real name
              ~ When she laughs, She starts laughing at her laugh which makes it more difficult for her to stop laughing
             ~ She's a master at air guitar
             ~She get's tired too easy
             ~When she takes selca's, She always does the blowfish face
             ~ When she's depressed, She locks herself in her room and barracades the door. She only comes out if she hears one of her best guy friend's voice. 
--  meet my family.
[ parents ]  Song Dongji | 54 | Father, Song Daesa| 53 | Mother
[ siblings ]  N/A
-- i know them personally.
[ best friends ]  Jonghyun (SHINee), Donghae (SUJU) 
[ friends ]  Yoona (SNSD), Leeteuk (Suju) 
[ rival ] Taecyani (OC)
[ why ]  Taecyani is one of those popular, plastic girls at her school. Once Minyah rejected she sit with them, She started hating her and spreading bad rumors about her since she does not like to be rejected. 
[ love interest ] Jonghyun (SHINee), Donghae (Suju) 
[ personality ] Jonghyun- Funny, Sarcastic guy besfriend. He's always there when Minyah needs help but doesn't get along well with her friends but sees Minyah everyday no matter how busy the schedule is. 
                        Donghae- Fun, Playful dork. He's her guy bestfriend too. He always buys her ice cream on break times because he isn't always there when she needs him. Her friends love him but her never seems to have time. 
[ how you met ] They would come to the trainee's and give them advice but Minyah always seems to walk out on their speeches and continue reading books at the corner of the training room. They grew curious of the mysterious, quiet girl in the traineee room and began talking to her. She started hanging out with them and having a good time with the. 
[ how does he/she acts around you ] They both act shy and act like dorks for her amusement. They know they don't have to but they find the joy in making her laugh. 
-- I know you'll be a superstar.
[ stage name ]  Minnie
[ position ]  Main vocal
[ training years ]  4 years
[ fan club name ] Neverland
[ fan club color ] REDblack
[ persona ] The forever young peter pan
-- the end.
[ password ] You could name them erasers since we're denote XD 
[ anything else ] Please tell me if there's anything wrong! Gumawo!


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