new fanfic idea!!

im a very creative person i came up with this idea last night for my new fanfic

Titile: south korea the texan way or CUBE has a new...COOK???

Plot: a young girl flys to go live with her parents when she sees CUBE cafe ( pretented its a cafe for CUBE family and employes) she applys for a job as the cook, Yoseob heard aout her cooking and he thought he would try it out after BEAST heard his feedback about her, they wanted to find out themselves they all feel for her cooking but they didnt know who she was until one day DooJoon was disgused when he caught her on the street because he saw the same food she was passing out at the Cafe...



PLEASE TELL ME WHAT YOU THINK ABOUT IT AND IF I SHOULD WRITE IT!!! there might be a twist in there...:)




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I know there better be some romance! Good thing your writers block didn't last for too long.
Ooohs! Me likey! Any romance? ;]
If so, please writtttttttte! :3