
So this blog post will be totally unrelated to anything on this website. I really wanted to talk about Pottermore because I am a huge PotterHead. That Pokemon and KPOP are my unhealthy obsessions. Anyway! Pottermore just recently opened to the public and you need two emails to actually start exploring Pottermore. Pottermore is something J.K. Rowling created to help the readers better experience the books and movies. In Pottermore she adds little tidbits of information no one has ever seen or read. You go through each book chapter by chapter and sort of LIVE the books out. You go to Diagon Alley, buy your school supplies, get sorted into a Hogwarts house, etc. It is probably the coolest thing ever. No joke. So yeah, if you are a Harry Potter fan you should make a pottermore account and then friend me at MistMarauder22880 :D 


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