Possible Posters for Possible Stories?

So I have a couple ideas for new stories, which of course are just ideas, so I don't know if I'll even get around to writing them. I'll have to think about it more. Anyway, I was really just playing around with some image effects and all that fun stuff, and I just happened to come up with these: 





I'm not really experienced when it comes to image editing or things like that but I thought these turned pretty nice. I just wanted to get your imput on them. And like I said, I'm not totally sure if the ideas I have are ever going to come about and all but maybe when I'm all finished up with Wanting Something I Can't Have, I'll have something thought up. 

But anyway, I just wanted to share these with you. Mainly because it's 12:34 AM and I'm INSANELY BORED and have no one to keep me company...(sometimes I really hate Spring break). 

And just as a reminder, I LOVE YOU ALL. Just wanted to throw that out there. XD 


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