i just witnessed the most horrendous and most heartbreaking ever.

okay so yesterday, these beautiful birds came to my house. i swear i have never seen birds like this and lucky for me, they decide to come and lay their eggs in the tree in my backyard. today, i was eating breakfast in the kitchen with my aunt. my uncle comes screaming and yelling and running past us and into the backyard. turns out that a big ugly crow was in that ing tree and EATING THE ING EGGS. by the time my uncle got there to shoo the away, the eggs were gone. zero. nada. the mother bird came immediately into the nest and after seeing her eggs were gone, she went crazy. she called for her family and flew everywhere. and you know what else? THE ING CROW COMES BACK. ARE YOU ING ME?! SERIOUSLY?! it circles around and around my house and closes in on that tree. i'm assuming theres more eggs in there? just as i was going to run out and do something, the mother bird chases after the crow. she like literally lost her mind and started attacking it. now this bird is about the size of your fist. this crow was the size of YOUR HEAD. that's a pretty big difference there. the mother and the father start biting the crow's tail and doing everything that it can. the crow immediately fights back and the two small birdies fall to the ground. do you know how useless i felt watching that? if i could have grown some ing wings at that moment, i would have flew up to that black piece of and beat the crap out of it. the only thing i could do was listen to the cries of that little birdies and the caws of that ing crow. after awhile, the crow gives up but i can still see it in my neighbor's yard. it came back just a few minutes ago and my aunt came running out with the whistle to scare it away. what's really nice was that the other animals chirped along to the whistle and helped too. i swear it was so sad. even a squirrel came out and sat by the tree to prob keep watch? i don't know but this only proves that animals have feelings too. they know what hurt feels like and they know revenge. it shows that mothers really do love their children and would give their lives up to protect the children. it shows that animals do try to help each other out when they can. but you know what's really ed up about this all? ... it's ing mother's day. I REPEAT. IT'S ING MOTHER'S DAY. THIS MOTHER BIRD JUST LOST HER CHILDREN ON MOTHER'S DAY. WHAT KIND OF MOTHER'S DAY IS THIS? NO. WHAT KIND OF A WORLD IS THIS? ... i just can't stand this anymore. as i look out the window now, i still see the mother bird hovering over her nest from afar, watching and hoping for her kids to come back. the father is just watching the mother from another tree. this ery... i dont think i'll be able to eat eggs the same way again. happy ing mother's day everyone. it's such a great day. Rest in Peace little birdies.


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sigh... that crow is stupid =.=
aww... thats so sad...<br />
ew... crows eat eggs...? i never knew that. <br />
doesnt that crow hav eggs of its own?<br />
*sigh*<br />
R.I.P. little birdies that never saw light to this world. v.v
SaranghaeZEA #4
omg! that is so sad T^T<br />
stupid crow >:[