Checkmate, Girl!


Name: Lee Mimi 

Birthdate: 29-01-1993

Your first Girl? #1

Your second Girl? #5

Why do you chose the role? I choose those two choices because they seem so intresting to me. I'm always happy and I have a really easy personality. I always make my friends laugh and when they're sad I would always make them happy by telling them a joke or making me act like a fool. I also hate to be alone because it's so quiet and I hate silence. And I am really sensitive but I hate it when I cry. I cry when I get mad or sad. I try to hide my tears but it's no use. 

Your appearance: || 2 || 3 || 4 || 5 || 

Ulzzang used: Kim Shin Yeong

Your ideal type: A person that is fun and loving. He is out going and cares for his one and only girl. 

Your First EXO: Chen

Your Second EXO: Chanyeol


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