Application for Checkmate, girl! (YippieM)

♡Application Form♡


Name: Park Hayeon

Birthdate: 07/11/1994

Your first Girl? Girl 1

Your second Girl? Girl 2

Why do you chose the role? They both match my real personality, so I decided to choose those two. They both are such unique personalties,  and they are different from the rest of the personalities in my opinion. I actually like the second personality a lot! Its like a girl who doesn't want to show her inner self so she shows her cold personality. I like the first one because I can relate to her. I am a crybaby, really sensitive and complain a lot. So that is why I chose those two. 

Your appearance:  1)



5)  (The links changed colour so i just left it like this :D)
Ulzzang used: Park Hye Min (Pony) Tumblr:


Your ideal type: My ideal type is a guy who can catch me before I fall. When i feel down, he can cheer me up. He has to be  a guy that treats other people with respect and not just his family and friends. He can be cute and manly at the same time. Top it all of, I like a guy who can be comfortable and himself with me.


Your First EXO: Baekhyun 

Your Second EXO: Kai 


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