Idiots For Friends

2:06 AM

First off HAPPY KYUSUNG DAY EVERYONE!!!!! *fangirls like an idiot*

Now down to business...can someone kill me!? My friend tweeted to Yesung saying 'HAPPY KYUSUNG DAY, YESUNG-OPPA!'. So...anyone willing to end me here? I have my will made out and everything. I'm so embarrassed! My friend is laughing her a*s off right now, because I'm freaking out. It is not funny I tell you! I'm pretty sure that Yesung doesn't even know what the heck Kyusung day is!

Hopefully, I never have to live through that again. I really need to get friends that are smarter than my friend here. Dx So...anyone willing to save me from embarrassment? Heck, does anyone know if they really read the tweets from their fans?! If so...then I'm just screwed over into next week. *cries*



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