Advice Please? T.T

I decided i was g0ing t0 write my fic. Finally. IKR? But i only have m0bile internet since i don't have a lapt0p or PC. The pr0blem is whenever i start t0 write, just when i'm ready t0 save it, it all disappears! I rewr0te it f0r Five freaking times already. =.= what sh0uld i d0? Can't i really write thr0ugh m0bile? Aigoo. Do i have t0 g0 t0 an Internet Café in order to write? T.T


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@eveiefa~ ne, i think i have n0 other 0pti0n but t0 g0 to an Internet Café. Aigoo thanx :):)<br />
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@car0line~ well i d0 have a friend wh0 has a lapt0p but she's barely h0me c0z 0f her w0rk. Aigoo~ yeah, i did that. I als0 wr0te my chapters in a paper & yeah it damn hurts haha~ thanky0u btw :))
We have the same situation, now I'm using my blackberry n' I really want to update at my fanfics today which is rated one, but my mom would watch what I'm doin' at asianfanfic. So I did is write everything at my notebook, which makes my hand ing hurt, then type it. Yesterday I was updating a chapter at my fanfic 'hidden desires'<br />
Then all of the sudden the internet was lost when I refresh it, it was gone so I was like 'what the !' It took me half an hour checking and making my fanfic amazing but sadly I got really pissed that I didn't know what I'm writing, I know I'm so random haha!<br />
My advice.... Ern well, write it either at the paper OR if you really wanna update, go to the computer shop, going at the edge of the computer shop where no ones lookinh then go update!<br />
OR if you have a best friend go to your best friends house, first hangout then ask if you can use the computer I did that one time when I'm still updating 'lust needs' and it's pretty awkward but I get fond of it so they don't mind at all using their computer without even asking haha!<br />
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Sorry if they're some spelling that are wrong, I'm only using my mobile ;)<br />
Hope it helps :))
eveiefa #3
Ckckckc >.< poor you....(me too)<br />
My PC is still broke.... :( <br />
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ckckckckkk..... maybe for a temporary we can go to Internet Cafe