♫ A dream is a wish your heart makes ♫

Ok, so I have had a crush on a guy at my school for along time LOL lets call him HS (initals) ok so I was walking down the hallway the other day and he ran up to me and gave me a hug I was like ok. I didn't bug about it I gave him a hug back cuz im just that nice. so a few nights ago I had a...dream about him and this is how the dream went.


I was in the cafeteria standing talking to my friends when i feel an arm go around my waist and a head on my shoulder i turn around think its my boyfriend i turn to give him a kiss and as soon as i turn around i see HS with his lips puckered and then i woke up panting.


And this kid is freakin hot as hell! he plays soccer, he has the prettiest eyes ( like mine^^) and i swear up and down he reminds me of a wolf because one time he smiled at me for sneezing and he told me i had a cute sneeze. so the other day we were playing around in bio class and we were passing notes back and forth

( our convo )

ME: hey do your work mister, and stop texting or im make you get in trouble

HS: Dont make me come over there, do YOUR work missy! :D

ME: I dont want to :( and you ant gonna do nothing! XP



right when the teacher left the room he came over to me got reallllyyy close to my face and he bit my nose

I felt completely heated when he got close to my face...




After awhile we stopped talking and he had the nerve to graduate EARLY!

I felt crushed alil but then I told him on FaceBook in a TBH ( To Be Honest) thing tht I had a crush on him and he said " I no thats why I bite your nose I would have bitten your neck but there were other ppl around ;)

I was spazzing so hard i almost had a heart attack...


well thats enough of me im heading to bed

Good night/ Good morning everyone^^



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Okay, that's adorable! :D
Ngaaaws, that's so cute!
and did you know that there's actually a song called 'A dream is a wish your heart makes'? XDD I had that song in grade six and I actually believed it. Sometimes, I dreamt of the same guy for around two weeks are so and I didn't like the guy. But then I thought about the song and I'm thinking what if it's true...? But it wasn't so now I'm confused like heck about love. (Y)
Anyhow, I should stop rambling and squeal. You guys should totally date, I bet. You guys would make a cute couple!
HS Hmm... Yeah, I agree with LADYGENERAL is Hyunseung in your class? I'd be jealous if he was. :S
just a qurstion..
if he bit ur nose wouldn't that hurt?? O__o