Sassy Application

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Basic Information


Character name : "Jacqueline" Cheonsa Choi

Nickname(s) : Jackie, Angel (that's what her name means in Korean), J.C, C.C

Birthday : 02/14/94 | Korean-19 | American-18

Birthplace : New York City, New York

Blood type : AB

Languages : Fluent-English & Korean || Basic/Learning- Japanse & French




Height : 170cm

Weight : 63kg

Ulzzang/model name : AngelaBaby

Ulzzang/model pictures :

Back-up ulzzang/model name : Park Hye Min || Pony

Back-up ulzzang/model pictures :

Style :

~Casual~ Normally wears jeans or leggings. she is always found with headphones, a hat, her iphone, a watch and sneakers (or boots). she likes graphic tees and slouchy shirts. she doesn't shop for brands, she buys whatever she thinks is nice

~Formal~ She has more of a girly look. She prefers to wear short dress and mini skirts that show off her well-toned legs and pairs each outfit with high heels and the right amout of accessories. She likes to coodinate her outfits according to color


Character Information


Personality :

"As Stubborn as an Ox" | Jacqueline is a very stubborn, strong-willed girl. She refuses to change who she is for anybody; she doesn't care who you are or who you think you are, if you want her to change it ain't happening. If your asking her to do something that is against her personal morals, she'll wlak out loudly and leave without any regrets. She hates being told what to do; unless your an adult who possess some sort of meaning to her, she'll tell you "Mind your business, before i throw you off a clif" with her famous smirk.

"Super Women" | Jacqueline loves sports and spent practically her life being an athlete. Being invovlved in alot of athletic activites cause her to become extremly competitive. She loves to win and hates to lose. She expects nothing less than 1st place. Despite her competitve nature, she isn't one to brag about her sucesses. Sports and Music are what keep this girl in check. In other words, the only reason she trys to stay out of trouble is bcause of her love for sports, music and her fans.

"April Fools" | Jacqueline is a fun-loving, energetic teenager. There is never a dull moment in her presence. She's the life of the party no matter where she is or who she's with. She loves to make corny, lame jokes. Sometimes her jokes are a little on the erted side, but that's jsut how she roles. When your with her, its a gurantee that you'll smile or laugh. She hates being cute, instead she wants people to see her as a cool, charsmatic person

"Don't say you didn't ask for it" | Jacqueline is not afraid to express her opinions. She says what's on her mind without think twice. If she doesn't like something/somebody, she's going to say to their face. She isn't mean/rude to someone for no reason; she always has a reason, even if that reason may be as simple as "You annoy me". If you insult her her acid like tongue will cut you into a million peices and her powerful words will stab you in the heart like a dagger. She is extremly sarcastic and has a foul mouth. Violence isn't a problem for her either, even though she rarly hurts anyone physically. It often happens when she throws somehting at someones head ( a ball, pecil/pen.....her shoe) when she is bored and is around someone she doesn't like or when she kicks someone off of their chiar because she doesn;t want them sitting nexy to her.

"Trust is earned not given" | Jacqueline doesn't make friends easily; it takes alot to gain her trust. When you get to know her properly she will rarly call you by your name. She has little nicknames for her friends and calls them that wheather they like it or not. Jacqueline is very protective of her family and friends; if you mess with them your messing with her and that's something you don't want to do. She'll make sure to get you back in the most diabolical way possible. She would never abadon someone who really needs her, no matter what her thoughts are of that person might be.

"Romance just isn't my forte" | Romance isn't something that Jacqueline thinks about often. She thinks love is a distraction and she cant afford to have any distractions in her life. She feels that all love brings is a heartache. Yes, she has seen those onld married couples that have been together for more than 50 years, but that isn't enough to convince her that love is a good thing. She gave her heart up once and it was completely shattered and ripped into two. After that she vowed to never let her gurad down and if a guy wnated acess to her heart they would need a bulldoser inoder the break down the wall she created and they have to swear they will never hurt her in any shape of form....EVER!! 

History : Jacqueline was bron and raised in New York City. Her mother was a French-American and her father was Korean. When Jacqueline was 5 years old her mother was killed in a tragic car accident. After the accident her father decided the best thing for him and his daughter would be to leave New York and go to live in South Korea. They moved to a city called Incheon which was her father's hometown. When Jacqueline was 8 her father remarried a women named Choi YoonA and her son Choi Minho then became her step-brother. In school Jacqueline had alot of friends and was part of practically every sports team. After school Jacqueline would visit her step-brother while he was a trainee at SM entertainment, She and her brother always dreamed of being idols. When Minho's dream came ture Jacqueline was so happy for him and has been to evey single SHINee concert they ever had. After posting numerous videos of herself singing, dancing and rapping; TS entertainment contacted her wanting her to audtion. She has been a trainee for TS entertainment for about 3 years.

Likes :

  • Sports
  • Family & Friends
  • Music
  • Amusement Parks
  • Pokemon
  • Spicy Foods
  • Photography
  • Korean Dramas
  • Action & Comedy Movies
  • Lollipops
  • The Beach
  • Sunsets
  • The Rain

Dislikes :

  • Answering stupid questions
  • Crying
  • Smoking/ Smokers
  • erts/ Players/ Jerks
  • People who wear socks with sandals
  • Cheaters_people who cheat on their boyfriends/ girlfriends
  • Spiders
  • Clowns

Hobbies :

  • Playing any sport or athletic activity
  • Exercising
  • Listening to music
  • Dancing
  • Singing
  • Rapping
  • Photography
  • Texting
  • Watching movies
  • Shopping
  • Desiging clothes
  • Watching Korean Dramas

Habits :

  • Sticks her tongue out randomly
  • Bouncing her leg/ tapping her foot when she's sitting
  • Skinship with her close friends and brother
  • Curses in English when she's pissed off
  • Rufflles her hair when nervous



Trivia :

  • She has an obession for: Pikachu, Eminem (the rapper), DBSK, Cherry falvored lolipops and Mint Chocolate Chip Ice Cream
  • She is a huge fan of: Shinee (duh), DBSK/TVXQ, Super Junior (including M), Big Bang, 4minute, Ft Island, U-Kiss, 2ne1, Teen Top, MBLAQ, Beast and Infinite
  • Her favorite color is Turquoise
  • Her lucky/ favorite number is 25
  • Has a weak spot for kids
  • She is left handed
  • Spends alot of her free time ot the gym or plying sports
  • Her favorite foods include: Bacon, Steak (medium well) and Kimchi
  • Her ulimate bias is Jung Yunho from DBSK
  • She only ships one kpop couple and that's YunJae (Yunho and JaeJoong from DBSK)
  • When she was 11 she wrote a fan letter to DBSK and received a reply, she keeps the letter in her diary hidden in her closet
  • Her favorite American Artist include: Eminem, Demi Lovato, Beyonce, Nicki Minaj, Justin Bieber, Jasmine V, Micheal Jackson and Ne-Yo 




Parents :

Mother- Chanel Antoine- died at 35- She was a music teacher- Jacqueline doesn't remeber he mother that well. but the memories she does have are good. Jacqueline and her mother were very close and her mother loved her soo much._DEAD

Father- WooYoung Choi-48- professional soccer coach- Jacqueline is a daddy's girl, she loves her father very much. They understand eachother and love eachother very much. Her father is also very protective of her since she is his only daughter_ALIVE

Step-mother- YoonA Choi-47- Nurse- Jacqueline loves YoonA as if she were her bith mom, and vice versa. YoonA treats Jacqueline as if she were her own child, she and her are very, very close and they tell eachother eveything.

Siblings :

Step-Brother- Choi Minho-20- is member of the boyband SHINee- Minho and Jacqueline are super close, they love eachothe soo much and would do anything and eveything for eachother. If one of them were in trouble the other would be there to help in less tham a heartbeat. they don't refer to eachother as 'step brother" or "step sister" they simply say "this is my Brother" or "hey meet my sister"

Best friend : 2ne1's Minzy-18- These two are like two peas in a pod, never one without the other. They are childhood friends

Friends : Shinee's Key & Jongyun & Taemin  || 2ne1's CL

Rival : SNSD's Yoona- They are always competing with eachother, wheather its with dancing, singing and sports

Love interest : Exo's Kai-18- They meet through Taemin (before he became part of Exo). One day they started talking and couldn't stop, over time they became friends. Kai and Jacqueline and always texting and talking on the phone. When they are together they are like the skinship couple, strangers often mistake them for a couple. They are both crushing on eachother but Jacqueline's fear of love is holding her back and Kai knows that and he is determined to be the one that will break down Jacqueline's wall, one brick at a time.



Group Information


Stage name : Jalee  *Pronounced Jay-Lee* (The J for Jacqueline, A is for Angel and Lee is her last name)

Dancing links : The girl in every link 

Singing links :

Rapping Links : 

Persona : Fallen Angel

Fanclub name : Guardian Angels

Fanclub color : Light Blue - - and GREY       


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