Dream about a player

The other night I had the weirdest dream EVAR.  Well, sorta.  But it was still weird and very awkwaaard~

There's this boy in my school who I consider the biggest player in our school.  I nickname him Junhyung 'cause in most FFs Junhyung is the player, mean person, or something like that.

Kay, so in my dream~
I was talking to him and then he asked me to get Pinesole(I think that's how its spelled) for him(Don't ask about the pinesole, I don't even know) And I asked him
Then he's all like "Cause I want to get high"
"What?  No.  Don't do that." I was talking in like this innocent/begging voice.
"Cause its bad."
Then he stuck his chest out as if he wanted to fight me and went closer to me until his chest was touching mine X_X
Then someone came to take him or something and as he was walking away I said
"Please don't do it."

I can't remember the whole thing and there's some things missing in the middle but this is what I did remember.  It felt so real as if I was actually there o0

Idk why I had a dream about him.  I think it was because earlier that day I was talking to this boy and he said my eye was red and I was all like "Really?  Where?"
Then he pointed where and said it was only a little bit and then I said "You know who's eyes were really red today?"
"(player guy)"
"Yeah 'cause he burns." Then he started to list all these other people who burn.  I already knew that but hearing is different than knowing, you know? ><
Anyway, I hope I don't dream about him again ^^" Ahahaha...


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Ohhhhhh~ Maybe it's a sign that you guys will get together? o.O