The HIGHLIGHT of my day~

Okay, at work... There's this ADORABLE, little Japanese boy (I believe he's half... But it REALLY shows) named Kenji in the class I was working in for the past 3 days now. Anyway, during playtime today, he followed me around and continued to ask me if I'd join him in a "picnic" (with the play food and dishes). Well the first time, while he was "preparing" the picnic, I was sitting down in front of him and he randomly takes out this little hot wheels car and looks at it. I can't help but smile and laugh and I playfully ask him "You're going to eat the car?" He immediately looks at me, and with the world's most SERIOUS if not, STRAIGHTEST face he could possibly muster, he then replies "We're both gonna eat this car."

I am IN LOVE with that boy and if I could, I'd kidnapSURPRISE ADOPT him.
By the way... I forgot to mention that he's only 3 years old. HAHA!


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omg that's so cute...if it was my little sister she'd just shove the car in your mouth
@SourieDAnge: Haha, yeah~ I'm a teacher. And OMG, if only you were there to witness that! I had to suppress ALL urges of grabbing him and squeezing him to death!<br />
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@yMin: YES. OMG... WORDS CAN NOT DESCRIBE HOW UTTERLY ADORABLE THAT MOMENT WAS FOR ME. And believe me Minnie-yah, I was up to the point that I had to suppress ALL URGES of doing just that~ <3333
ure a teacherr?!?!?<br />
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and tht DOES sound super cuteee ><