
Hi-yeum guys!!

Ok, so I'm gonna tell you guys what just happened and my reason for writing out this blog :)

So me and my friend were surfing the Internet, found out about SM most likely NOT coming to Canada and well I was pissed.

Lol but!

It led to something that made us soooo fcken happy >.< that would be JYPE coming to my hometown Toronto and having auditions!!!

I'm soo happy right now cuz I actually missed out on the Cube auditions [found out about it too late] so yeah ^^ So we're going to try out >.<

I'm so fcken scared so... I ask you guys for support and be honest... I kinda want feedback on my singing ^^;

Do you think if I were to post a video up, you guys would actually check it out?

Being honest but not so horribly harsh that I'd be like T^T? Help me out guys please? :)

I've been told I'm not bad but I think its better if I get more opinions... Will you guys help? :)


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Hwaiting !! I'll totally check it out !!!!!!!<br />
I'm totally excited , and I'm not even involved with this !!!!<br />
Pali , Pali , let me see that VIDEOOOH !! :)
I def would! That's like the chance of a lifetime... I JEALOUS!!!<br />
XDDD Anyway, I'd love to check it out, and I know that we all would! ^^