A little thing called love Application

Name: [Any name will do] Lee DaEun

Age: [15-20] 16

Birthday: 05/14/1994

Personality: [In a paragraph form but bullets is fine] She can be shy when she first meets people, but after a few minutes she is her normal self. She is a laid back girly girl who loves shopping. Heals and make up are her best friends. She can be mean if someone makes her mad. She finds that honesty is the best type of policy so she states whats on her mind no matter what. If she see's something she doesn't like she will let who ever is with her know. If she doesn't like a person, she will tell them. But when it comes to people, she never judges a book by its cover.

Background: Family, childhood, ex-lovers, ect] Family: Family: Mom: Died of cancer Dad: Owns a little bakery in Seoul, Korea Little brother: Lee ChinHo. Cousin: Lee SungMin(SUJU)

Childhood: by her uncled when she was 11-12. Mom died when she was 9. Dad made her study in the USA at the age of 10, she lived with her uncle who her.

Ex's: None

Job(s): [ex: bartender, waitress, kindergarten teacher, ect] She loves children so she works at a daycare center
Likes and Dislikes: [10 max]

- Mokeys
- green
- going to new places
- learning new things
- snow and rain
- swimming
- shopping
- pickles and cheese
- wearing shorts to show off her legs
- kids

- Spiders and snakes
- the color pink (but wears it)
- when people yell at her or go through her things
- onions
- pants(they don't show off her legs)
- when people yell at her friends
- thunderstorms
- heights
- cake
- people who wear too much cologne or perfume

Hobbies and Habits:
- Reading,
- Gymnastics,
- Collecting Braclets,
- knitting
- Collecting stuffed animals
- collecting cabbage patch kids
- singing and dancing
- collecting anything green
- photography
- tanning

- biting her nails
- biting the insides of her cheeks
- looking up when talking
- sighing at random times
- rolling her eyes
- coloring things green
- dying her hair different colors
- correcting peoples words
- not minding her own business

Appearance: [4+ HQ links of ulzzang pictures]

Style: [Not really needed but if you want to put something. Go ahead!]

Partner: [Choose our top 5]
1. CNU (Shin Dong Woo) B1A4
2. Baro (Cha Sun Woo) B1A4
3. Haewon (Jung Hae Won) X-5
4. Gongchan (Gong Chan Shik) B1A4
5. Taefung/Typhoon (Lee Dong Hyn) X-5

Our Story: [Your Love story. Leave it blank if you can't think of any but if you put something you have a high chance to get pick]

Partner's Personality: [Same as above] Sweet, hyperactive, loves to joke
around. He finds that the key to any girls heart it to treat them with
respect and take them out on dates.

Love Triangle: [Your top 3] CNU (Shin Dong Woo) B1A4, Baro (Cha Sun Woo) B1A4, Haewon (Jung Hae Won) X-5

Witch: [Anyone in Kpop but as I said no SNSD] F(x) Sulli

My Ending is?: [Happy, bitter-sweet, tragic, ect] Happy

Request: [Romantic Scenes, siblings, ect] Romantic Scenes

Password: [Ehem...coughs]


Email and username: [Valid Email]
[email protected]


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