Random things I guess ...

Ok so I don't know why I'm writing this blog but I feel slightly sad with the fact that my first ever fic will becoming to an end shortly. I have got two story ideas in my head so once I have finished this fic I can start two at one go! I'm challenging myself! One will be about SHINee and one will be about Teen Top. I feel sad that my story is almost finishing though, sad right? I always feel happy writing my fic and reading other fics that people have wrote. Especially my friends' fics. I wish somehow I could carry on my first fic on forever but I know that I would run out of ideas and people would get bored. I wish one day that it could become a drama; silly right? Why did I think of an idea like that? I just thought it would be amazing to see my fic on tv screen seeing people act out my story. I'm so sad and strange that I'm going to have a funeral when this fic ends, I will create a blog in memory of the story. You must think I'm a proper weirdo right now, but guess what- I don't care! Hehe I feel so depressed now, I think I'll go and write the next chapter of my story to cheer myself up. Bye x


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i dont think ur a weirdo.<br />
when i finish my fic, im gonna b rly sad! cuz my fic is weird, and not many ppl read it, but still! it'll b my first time publishing something online, eva! i was so nervous when i posted the first chapter!<br />
fighting! dont b too sad:(<br />