Skylar application!!!!


p e r s o n a l    i n f o r m a t i o n


username: zelo_youngminnie

profile link:

real name: Tammy

contact with: AFF

activeness 10


b a s i c    i n f o r m a t i o n


character name: Lee Thuy Tammy

nickname(s): My(only her family calls her this) Tweetie(her friends call her this because her middle name sounds like tweet) Baby (her best friend calls her this because she is scared of so many things.)

birthday: 11/03/96(15y/o international/16y/o Korean)

birthplace: Saigon, Vietnam

bloodtype: AB

languages: Vietnamese;conversational( she isn’t fluent because she left at a young age, Mandarin;conversational(really good at speaking but at writing or reading), Korean;fluent( fell in love with K-pop at a young age so she decided to learn Korean), English;fluent( Moved to California at a young age)


a p p e a r a n c e


height: 173cm

weight: 48kg

ulzzang/model name: Song Ah Ri

ulzzang/model pictures:

back-up ulzzang/model name: Kim Shin Yeong

back-up ulzzang/model pictures:

style: She isn’t confident in herself, so when she is in school, she wears jeans and regular clothes. When she is around people that she likes, she wears skirts, shorts, dresses, or anything fashionable. She loves to wear cute and comfortable clothes. She likes to wears a lot of jewelry and bag.










c h a r a c t e r    i n f o r m a t i o n




personality: Tammy has 2 very different personality, just like her style. She can be straightforward and loud, but she can also be very shy and quiet. In school, she is known as a nerd. She hates school and studying but she always get good grades. The reason being that her parents want her to be the best students so she obeys them because she loves them a lot. She is artistic and smart, so when the teacher is teaching something that she knows, she would start drawing  or read a book. There are times when she spaces out, usually when she is bored. She has the face of an angel and she acts like one too, especially in front of teachers or adults.

                        When she is with her friends or someone close to her, she is crazy and loud. She loves to talk about funny stuff or k-pop. She changes her mood a lot. One minute she is bright and bubbly and the next she is upset and angry. She hates when people thinks she is a nerd because they don’t really know her. She loves to shop but she doesn’t like spending her parents money because she knows that they work really hard for it. That is also why she doesn’t take lessons that she wants to, like dance or gymnastics. Even without taking lessons, she is VERY flexible and a GREAT dancer. She can do a lot of flips and all kind of dances.

                        Due to her lack of confident, only her close friends know that she is good at dancing, singing, and rapping. Sometines she wishes that she could go on stage and show everyone her talents. Which is why she decided to audition for SM. She loves k-pop but you could never tell by looking at her or her room. She doesn’t have anything related to k-pop. Her family isn’t poor but they are middle class and she is afraid that they wouldn’t have enough money to support their big family.

                        She loves to eat and sleep but she never gets fat. Because of her insecurities, she exercise but she always give up because of her laziness. She spends most of her time at school and in her room watching, listening, and reading at k-pop and sleeping. She and her brother always get into fight but she has learn to ignore him.

history: She was born at a hospital is Saigon, Vietnam. She was with really little oxygen in her head so when she was a baby she would always cry. In Vietnam, her family dad started a business and they were rich. She started to dance when she was 3. Her dad always knew that she would be a star when she grew up. At the age of 7. Her family moved to California to have a brighter future. Due to the move, her dad had to look for a job and he became an engineer for Boeing.

                        She started school but didn’t know how to speak English. Slowly she became more fluent and smarter. she  was really popular at first because she didn't wear glasses, but she had to move schools around the time that she started wearing glasses. People realize that she was really smart and the glasses didn't help either. Due to this people started to call her a nerd. She made a lot of friends but they slowly started to fall apart because of the changes Tammy saw in their personality. She was introduced  to k-pop in the 6th grade and she immediately fell in love with it. When she turned 13, she and her brothers decided to audition for SM but they was afraid that their parents would disagree. After a while, her oldest brother finally asked their parents. Her mom disagreed but her dad agreed because he knew that they would grow up to be stars. She and her brothers auditioned and they all made it in.

                        When she became a trainee and went to Seoul to start training, she was afraid and homesick. After a couple of weeks, she started getting used to Korea and its customs. She even made a few really close friends. Training was fun for her but it was also really tiring. Since she came to Korea at a young age, she had to go to school. At first no one talked to her and after a while she became really popular due to her being a SM trainee.

likes: sleeping (she likes to dream…A LOT)

ice cream (she likes food but ice cream  is her favorite)

shoes( she thinks they are really pretty and there are so many styles)

the cold( she thinks that the cold is really cozy)

k-pop( she is a major fangirl and the guys are so CUTE)

funny movies (it always make her happy)

books (it feels like a new adventure every time she picks up a new book)

babies ( they are just too cute)

puppies ( but she doesn’t like dogs)

dislikes: waking up ( she doesn’t like to disturb her dreams)

roller coaster (she feels like she is going to fall off and die)

the heat (she doesn’t like to sweat)

jackets( they make her really uncomforable0

scary movies (gives her nightmares)

the dark (seems like everything scary always happen in the dark)

fighting (she is okay with standing up for herself, but she doesn't like it when her family and friends fight with each other.)

bugs( they are just soooo DISGUSTING)

hobbies: drawing (she is really artistic but sometimes the picture comes out really funny)

dancing (she feels free whenever she dances)

singing (she likes hearing her voice)

acting (she started acting when she was 100

modeling (she likes wearing new and fashionable clothes)

piano (she likes playing along to her favorite song)

rapping (she likes saying things really fast)

habits: tossing and turning when she sleeps ( usually when she gets nightmares)

biting her nails when she is bored (there is nothing better to do)

singing and dancing whenever a song that she knows comes on( what can I say…she got the BEAT)


trivia: she is a night person (she usually sleeps at midnight or later)

she is claustrophobic (she really needs her space)

she likes being the youngest (she feels special)

her favorite colors are purple and blue (but not too dark)

she is half Vietnamese and half Korean (she loves Dayoung from Hello Baby)

she likes giving hugs to her fans (she likes feeling appreciated so she pays them back)

she is really clumsy and forgetful (she usually takes a couple of hours to remember something that she forgot)

she wears glasses (she prefers contacts though)

she has never broken any bones before ( she has a really sturdy and flexible body.)

she really lazy but likes things clean ( she hates cleaning up but she is kind of ocd)

does your character often use vulgar language?: [ ] yes [ x] maybe [ ] no

if so, in which language does she do it more often? English (it is easier for her since she is fluent)



r e l a t i o n s h i p s




NAME: Lee Chung Ho

AGE: 50


PERSONALITY:  when you first see him, he looks and sounds scary but he is like a big cuddly teddy bear(well at least that is what Tammy thinks). He is a hard worker and a really nice person. He is playful and always find time to play with his family. He loves games and food, just like Tammy. He is smart and used to be a physic teacher back in the old days. He is strict but knows what is best for his family.

RELATION TO YOUR CHARACTER: Tammy is his little princess. He always spoil her and listen to whatever she has to say. There is just random times when he and Tammy would just hug. Tammy thinks that he is super nice and caring and she is grateful for him. He always supports her and her brothers and is always there for them.



NAME: Nguyen Thuy Tram

AGE: 50


PERSONALITY: she is strict and isn’t as playful as Tammy’s dad. She is very protective and cares for her family a lot. Like her husband, she is a hard worker. She likes to cook and garden. She loves watching dramas especially Korean ones. She doesn’t think that Tammy and her brothers should become stars but she agreed because her husband agrees.

RELATION TO YOUR CHARACTER: they aren’t as close as Tammy and her dad, but they are still pretty close. She is very protective of Tammy because she is the youngest. Even though she disagreed at first, she still supports Tammy’s career choice.





NAME: Lee Jin Ki (Onew)

AGE: 22


 he is bright and bubbly. He loves to eat and joke around even though not everyone gets his jokes. He is playful and very clumsy. He is smart and very protective of his siblings. He is a great big brother and finds time from his busy schedule to play with his siblings. He has a big and bright smile that can brighten up anybody’s day.

RELATION TO YOUR CHARACTER: he is Tammy’s oldest brother. Him and Tammy are really close and only Tammy gets his weird joke and puns. Even though they are half-siblings, he always make Tammy feel like his real sister. He knows all her secrets and helped her through her trainee years. he knows when to stop the fights between Tammy and her other brother. He is a really responsible guy and older brother and Tammy always trust and depend on him.



NAME: Lee Jeongmin






PERSONALITY: he is a big joker and a prankster. He likes messing around. He has a big smile and a beautiful voice but don’t let that fool you. He actually is an evil person or at least to Tammy. There are times when he is really nice and responsible but that rarely comes. He is really smart but doesn’t like going to school. He spends most of his time ditching class.


REALATION TO YOUR CHARACTER: he is her half-brother and a devil is her eyes. He always play jokes on her and make her cry but she has learned to ignore him. He can be very protective of his little sister but he doesn’t like to show it. They do have a couple of cute brother-sister moments that makes Tammy realizes how boring life would be without him.



best friend (1 only)


NAME: Kim Jong In (kai)



he is an awesome dancer and really charismatic. He seems really cold at first but really caring and warm once you get to really know him. He likes to smile and girls are in love with him. He is a hard-worker and usually trains until he passes out or at least close to that. He cares a lot for his friends and family.
HOW SHE/HE ACTS WITH YOUR CHARACTER:  they fool around a lot and he always knows how to make her smile. They know all of each other’s secrets and knows how to comfort one another. He likes teasing her but she doesn’t mind it. They both like dancing so they became each other dancing buddies. Even when Tammy tries to hide her emotions and feelings, Kai always knows and vice versa. Kai calls her baby and Tammy calls him Jonggie.



friends (max 4)


NAME: Im Yoon Ah



she has a really pretty face and deer-like eyes. She also loves food and acts like a choding. She doesn’t care about her image a lot and can brightens anyone’s day with her alligator laugh. She is fun to hang out with and likes to party. She is caring and thoughtful.
HOW SHE/HE ACTS WITH YOUR CHARACTER: she is Tammy’s role model. She acts like an older sister to Tammy. They like to eat food together and sometimes Yoon Ah would help Tammy with her acting. They mess around a lot and Tammy really respects her as a sunbae. they like going shopping together and they talk about really weird and funny stuff. She comforts Tammy whenever she  feels lonely and homesick.



NAME: Seohyun

AGE: 20


 she is a bookworm and really smart. She  likes studying and obeys her parents’ every wish. She is quite and a really good singer. She does have a fun and cute side but sometimes acts like the omma of the group.
HOW SHE/HE ACTS WITH YOUR CHARACTER: since they were really alike, Seohyun and Tammy became really close friends. Sometimes Seohyun would help Tammy with her homework and Tammy would help her with dancing even though they were both really good at those things. Tammy always get advice from her since she likes to read self-improvement books. They would spend their time talking about smart things so people around would never know. They like using big words to confuse others.


NAME: oh se hun



 he is a cutie who is really shy. he rarely talks but around s and his friends, he is really funny. He is best friends with Lu Han and they are always together. He has a cute image that makes you want to protect him.
HOW SHE/HE ACTS WITH YOUR CHARACTER: he always makes tammy laugh and she feels really comfortable around him. He knows that Tammy and Lu Han have a crush on each other so he always tries to get them alone. He likes keeping Tammy company and is always curious about what Tammy is doing. She is close to him because their age are really similar. He has a really innocent side to him that Tammy thinks is super cute and he thinks that when Tammy spaces out, she looks like a cute kid.





(At least a paragraph.)




Who is your rival?: she doesn’t have one …..YET

Reason for rivalry: 


Love interest


Love interest: Lu Han

How do you two act around each other?: they are both really shy around each other but they still talk. She would give encouraging messages to him and vice versa. They both have crushes on each other but is too afraid to say it. He likes to and she in return would be really embarrass. All of the members think that they would make a great couple but they would deny it. Even though he is a lot older, tammy doesn’t care because he acts like a choding and he has a baby face. She really likes his smile , the sound of his voice, the way he dances, and basically everything about him.

Do you keep contact?: [ x] yes [ ] sometimes [ ] no

If so, how?: texting, calling, and on sns.

Scene requests: when they confess their feelings.


G r o u p    I n f o r m a t i o n


Position: maknae and main dancer (if not then main dancer/sub rapper)

Public persona: Charismatic Dancer ( since she are really determined to prove to everyone that she has talents, sometimes she doesn’t even smile when she dances.”

Persona: Shy Maknae(if I’m the maknae) or Ice Princess

Fanclub name: angels ( she has always like angels because they represent purity and goodness)

Fanclub color: white and baby blue (that what she thinks are the colors of an angel)

Stage name: Tammy


C l o s u r e


Password: ‘Cause SM loves to tease

Anything else?: haha that was pretty long!!! And thanks for believing that I could finish this !! 


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