
11:58 AM

Hey everybody!

I just was wondering when I woke up...does Super Junior ever read our stories we write? I mean, that would be awesome and everything, but at the same time...wouldn't it be kind of embarrassing? Because I know for a fact that there are some users on this site that are younger that thirteen. And their stories are the ones that are the most rated! *falls over in shock*

I mean, wow! Tell me, would you be able to not blush if say your favorite Super Junior stumbled upon your story. And that the story was rated. Say a Ryeowook and Sungmin story? Or a Sibum story? Hell, why not go out to the stars and say a Heechul and Kangin story?

I would have died and gone to heaven to know that they read my story, but then again, I would never be able to write again if I knew that the one I'm writing about would stumble upon it, and started reading it. I would fangirl for a couple of moments, and then realized what the heck happen! xD I would be so embarrassed, because first of all, I try to go all out with my characters; second, i even get flustered when it comes to rated parts; and third, some of my pairings can be a little out of place at times. *scratches her head sheepishly*

But then again, I would love for them to read our stories! It is not ever day that your favorite Super Junior member is reading your story, am I right?! 

Ah! Just forget I even wrote this...I'm going crazy here because I stayed up and wrote an insane story for someone in my family. It is really creepy, and I don't even want to see it again. *shudder* Well, just writing to wonder and hope people wonder with me! :D


P.S. Loving the fact that some of the writers here are skilled and are younger than I. >.<


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