Authors, Do you start a new fanfiction even though you know it will be difficult to update the other fanfics or do you wait until you're done?

I REALLY REALLY want to start a new fanfiction but I'm not done with It Started With A Slap and only updated one chapter of my second story, BUT I want to write the new one sooo bad.




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The first one. Because someone once said 'I can resist anything but temptation'
XD LOL. But it's gonna be hard on yourself :/
I have... 5 going on >_> So yeah the authors below arent the only crazy ones
I do LOL. Have 12 on going, well, some of them are not really a series, its collctions of drabbles and one shots. But I indeed have 7 series on going. Yeah, crazy me!
I have six fanfics ongoing XD
I try to balance my fanfics and time together.
I only post a story if it's REALLY worth to be writing for. Other than that, I don't post it and write down the chapters for that un-posted fanfic on my computer. :)
i start another fic even though i still have unfinished fics...
and right now...i have 9 on-going fics and i haven't updated them for a couple of days now...
mariangel #6
i start even though i have other fics :D cos i tend to forget the plot so..... hahaha
You only have a few, so you should be fine~
I start. XD
well, it depends on how much time have to update, i have two rite now, + a poster shop, if u think its difficult just wait until you're done with the other fanfic, but if you feel u have alot of time, then go 4 it:)
Just look at my stories and co-authored stories son my profile LOL
If I have an idea and already have a solid plot and idea on the way it's going to be written, I do the foreword and upload it ^-^