BubblegumPop Application


AFF Username:junnie4life

AFF Link: http://www.asianfanfics.com/profile/view/89057

Name of member (Only OCs):Yoo Ji Sun

Nicknames:  Sunny,Jiji

Persona: The Hyper, unpredictable Dancer

Stage name:Melanie

Position Wanted: Main Dancer

Personal fanclub:MELodies

Age (14-19): 17

Birthday: 02/21/1995

Personality (please, it's bubblegumpop, make it cute :D): Ji Sun's outgoing,friendly and is really easy to approach. If she's done something wrong, she would likely use aegyo to get her way out. She's always hyper and is always excited about everything. She's never scared of strangers and would still act cheery with some manners.

Ji Sun has a thing for shopping, she just can't get enough of it! If you don't let her shop for a long period of time, she would act like a balloon that just popped. People say she has a magic to make others smile, and it's true. She loves to help others when it's needed.But she dosen't like people to ignore her, so if you want to annoy her ignore her.

Sibling/s (if your member has sibling/s): None

Love intrest (if your member has one): SeHun from EXO

 Rival/s (and why): Seohyun from SNSD. Seohyun is like her model, Ji Sun wants to overpass her.

Birth country: Toronto, Canada

Language/s (fluent, basic or improving please :]):English (fluent),Korean (improving), Japanese (basics).

Likes (min. 3):


*Little cute, miniature things


*Weird/unique accessories



Hates (min. 3):

*Being ignored


*Being tidy




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crystalizedchuu #1
Im back with 3 new fields!
Here they are:
Position Wanted:
You may just comment your answers. Sorry for the inconvenience caused. -truly sorry-
crystalizedchuu #2
Hi! Thanks for your application! We will consider it well :]
As you know, the BubblegumPop! page is under construction, and we may add a few more fields to the form. Sorry for the inconvenience caused... You may fill up the fields over personal message, too. When the new form is up, I will personally inbox you the fields that were added.
Thank you for your understanding.
---crystalizedchuu {BubblegumPop! Management}