My HyunSaeng

HyunSaeng Moment in Different Shows..



--- neither batted an eyelash when HJL pulled Saeng into the bathroom with him in Thank you for waking me up.

--- in Stalker, Saeng was in HJL's room lying on the bed with HJL surfing the net.

---In one of the SOS eps where they were at the super market toward the end HJL made a joke

about going drinking with the guy who they're SOS-ing (the guy in red who's blurred out), and as

soon as he said drinking he looked at Saeng, and both started smiling widely (though Saeng

totally looked embarrassed). makes me wonder what THEY were doing when they went drinking...

---In Thank You For Raising Me Up when HJL was determined to get Daengee to do the piggy back, Young Saeng was the one who was helping him (even doing the piggy back demo).

---last ep of Thank you for raising me up when HJL was insisting everyone leave a message for Daengee, the one he taped longest was Young Saeng. And i noticed that while the others just did their thing and left, when it was YS's turn, Leader seems to not want him to go, and kept asking him to do more imitations. I mean, think about it, HJL was essentially oogling YS the entire time while he was taping him, without distraction.

---Even during the cooking part where they were making food for Daengee, HJL keep looking at YS when he was making stuff up (while YS was totally cracking up).


---this compilation was not mine.. i just re-posting it here..--
Cr:bailuli @Quainte- International SS501 Forum


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cuteness ever
I love Asian countries, if guys hug it's not considered gay. I think Western countries should take that on too. I mean, even if they don't say it, people will silently be judging. I don't get why, they're so cute!