
Well, here we go. Since I have nothing better to do this Saturday morning, I’ll fill several of these out =.= I think they’re fun, but hey, I also have no life ^ ^’
I wonder if Umma will answer these...My answers will be in purple, so the answers NOT in purple will be hers! ^ ^
Ah! I stole these questions off of
DemiDeveron. Many many kamsa to you :)

Well, I should probably be working on math right now BUT since I could care less and really hate math Ima do this thing instead.....that and the fact that I am bored to high hell right now....and I have no life.....well, I have a life.....I’m just past the point of caring about anything..... I apologize if some of these answers get freaking bat crazy because well, I’ve averaged 2.5 hours of sleep a night for the past 2 months AND I’ve had the Bubonic Plague so yeah. With that disclaimer, ONWARD!!!

1. Most beautiful part of a flower?
The color of the petals.
Agreed. ^ ^

2. Favorite art medium to use?
Art? I’m terrible at art ;~; But, ummm...Photoshop CS5.1 Extended Edition...Does that count? Or do we need a non-digital medium? Really, the only art I produce that’s worthy of looking at is my photography and my writing... =.=
Can writing count? Cause my art MAJOR donkey balls...unless I’m allowed to do abstract stuff or graffiti.... But yeah...let’s stick with writing even though Dobu, C-Sunnie, Triple C and Aegi-Unnie will tell confidence is pretty much but eh who cares? I don’t! ^ ^

3. Favorite art medium to look at?
Any kind, really. 75% of my friends are art GENIUSES, all with a variety of preferred mediums. Photography, charcoal, pastels, watercolors, graphite, colored pencils, anything, really. I like it all ^ ^
Yeah, agreed with Dobu. A lot of our friends are just art they are art EVIL MASTERMINDS!!!!! They’re plotting to make the rest of the world feel ty about their art compared to teh amazingness-ness that is the art genius art! THEN, then! They claim that it’s awful and the rest of us are crying ourselves to sleep....ITS A CONSPIRACY I TELL YOU!!! A CONSPIRACY!!! *flails arms around like a crazy person*

4. Favorite flavor of pie?
Do I have to pick? ;A; ummm...I’d say Sweet Potato pie. I had it once with cinnamon(And almost died), and another time with just nutmeg and other such things to give it the spice flavoring without putting cinnamon in. It’s quite delicious.
Urm....not a huge pie person honestly....but I’d say lemon pie or coconut cream pie. XDD

5. Your opinion on skulls?
Ummm...what? I don’t know...Key-umma looks good in things like that...So I guess I like them? Oh! And typical emo-skater boys look GREAT in them :3
SKULLS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! OMIGAH!!!!
That should answer your question sufficiently.

6. The first thing you thought about this morning?
How the HELL did I end up on the floor?
*takes really deep breath* WhatthehellamIdoinguprightnaoit’slikeasso’clockinthemorningandIdidn’tsleepandmutheringhobagsI’mtired!SHUTUPCAT!Douchewaffle-mccunt-nuggets......

7. Your opinion on chocolate scented lotion with essence of almond?
It’s okay, I guess? That’s a thick, warm kind of scent; I prefer sharp, light, citrusy scents, or deep, dark, manly, y scents :3
Hmmmmm......well, as mostly people at my school will tell you I am notorious for smelling good. No seriously, half of my friends stand there and SNIFF me whenever I hug them...hell, one of my friends holds me in place and sniffs me and is like ‘You smell really good”’s borderline creepy. Yeah, I’ma scent I wouldn’t mind trying the chocolate scented lotion BUT I will have to agree with Dobu on the sharp, light, citrusy scents and dark, y, manly scents (for men obviously) Though I do own a “Warm Vanilla Sugar” lotion and it is AMAZING....despite the fact that a few very sleepy people tried to nom on me because they thought I was a giant sugar cookie..... 0.o


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I have to agree with the art geniuses part. Rachel makes me feel pretty darn awful about my art. :/ (Even I'd you guys don't think so.)