My exams just started... AND I FEEL GREAT?!! XD + the ideas i get after to many energy drinks >_< DAEBAK!

Okay so today i had my first exam out of 6 ! and usually i'm a total nervwreck XD because let's be honest... I HAVE A REPUTATION TO MAINTAIN PEOPLE XD lol also if i want to keep writting and using my pc as i want ( WHEN I WANT) i have to keep my grades on the number one spot or else i'll be forced toe use my FANFIC-WRITTING-TIME to do homework and stuff... And that's not happening! Not in the nearest future :D


As i was sitting in the front row, writting my fingers off for 4 HOURS! Not that it's hard when you've been drinking 4 Hustler's(energy-drinks) in a row~ x) i love the fact that we're allowed to eat and drink whatever we want during the exams~


as i sat there a thought hit me XD and the funny thing about that thought, was that it was a FANFIC-MOMENT-THOUGHT! To a really good story-line for a FUTURE fanfiic! :D I won't be spoiling what the fic is about~~ I can only say that it's really a...? XD i don't know how to describe it! BUT I LOVED IT <3 and so i'll be posting that, sometime after i've posted my upcoming LUNEW fiic <33 I mean there's no need to rush~~ right ^^


i feel like i've forgotten something? ^^''


I won't be updating as frequently, because of my upcoming exams and all~ but I will still be updating Maybe We're(Not) Meant to Be ^^ but as for SHATTERED i'll be putting it on HIATUS until all of my exams are over in June~~



I just remembered.. IT'S MAY! meaning SM's new boygroup will be debuting!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! XD HELL YEAAAH!! <3 omo~ omo~ omo~ CAN'T WAIIT :D though SHINee always will be my NUMBER 1~


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