Skip Beat Taiwanese Ver.

Did you guys watch the last episode of Skip Beat (Taiwanese Version) ??

If you haven't watched it yet....Beware!!!! spoiler alert!!!!!

Enjoy these gifs :>



Sweet hair flip













So.....i was watching the last scene....gahhhh then Ivy Chen and Siwon KISSED XD

^i was seriously squirming......^

But then.....

It was just Ivy Chen's imagination~ Touche~ Script writers Touche~

I want them to be together!! T_T

Hopefully the have a second season! The ending was better than the anime ending but i still love the anime.

If you haven't watched it should. one of those animes i like to rewatch

and i wanna see what Donghae would do when trying to get Ivy Chen~

Sorry for all these gifs.....i couldn't help it :P made me laugh~


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You should! You should watch the anime too:D
Haha... Now I gotta really watch it!!!