Skylar Application }}


p e r s o n a l    i n f o r m a t i o n


username: --elemental

profile link: clicky-click!

real name: call me chanhee. ;D

contact with: AFF, but if start becoming less active i'mma PM you my email~

activeness; 10


b a s i c    i n f o r m a t i o n


character name: Baek Jung-Ah ; 정아

nickname(s): Luna(a play on her personality, referring to Luna Lovegood), Flower Girl(only her mother calls her this)

birthday: 04/22/94 (18 y/o international, 19 y/o korean)

birthplace: Jungsa-ri, Yeoncheon county, Gyeonggi province, South Korea

bloodtype: A

languages: Korean ; Fluent | Chinese ; Semi-fluent(can speak it but has trouble writing/reading) | English ; Very limited but good pronounciation


a p p e a r a n c e


height: 172 cm

weight: 51 kg

ulzzang/model name: Kang Su Ra

ulzzang/model pictures: 1 ~ 2  ~ 3 ~ 4 ~ 5

back-up ulzzang/model name: Lee Eun Jin

back-up ulzzang/model pictures: 1 ~ 2 ~ 3

style: Jung-Ah's style matches her personality. It's very soft, elegant and airy. She prefers dresses and skirts over jeans and shorts, but obviously during the winter, she can't really wear skirts without freezing. A lot of her closet is, surprisingly, filled with bright and happy colors. If someone asked why that was she'd probably say "I'm a happy person, and even though I like calm colors, when it comes to clothes, bright is bettter!"

Casual{fall/winter}: E L E G A N T

Casual{spring/summer}: S O F T & A I R Y

On stage: D R E A M Y


c h a r a c t e r    i n f o r m a t i o n


personality: Jung-Ah is easily described as eccentric. She knows it, too. Her mind is full of riddles, odd facts, and interesting thoughts. Whenever she opens and says something, it usually takes a few moments for everyone to respond. She just says very odd things.  Jung-Ah is very straightforward with what she says, never hesitating to say what's on her mind. Because of that, she isn't very good at percieving other people's emotions. One of her talents is creating awkward silences with only one sentence. Just like with Onew's jokes, the smarter you are, the faster you'll react to her jokes.

Her motto is "Treat others how you would want to be treated." Jung-Ah is able to control her anger and keep it all inside, so she never yells or insults anyone. She likes to be peaceful with everyone instead. She doesn't have a mean bone in her body. However, she's a bit of a pushover, and extremely gullible, so often people take advantage of that. It's a well known fact that you can tell Jung-Ah "I just saw a ghost!" or something as almost-impossible as that and she'll believe you. That's just how she is.

Jung-Ah is an observer, not a speaker. She'd rather sit in silence and watch two people interact than join in their conversation. She's a lot smarter than people think, and she likes how people don't expect that. It gives her an advantage on variety shows and interviews. Being a smart observer means that although at times she can't pick up people's emotions, there is one emotion she can easily find in any person. Love. She has a knack for being able to tell when two people have  feelings for each other, or wether it may be totally onesided. It's a hidden talent she keeps secret, or at least very vague, until she decides her friends need help in their love life. Then she'll step in and help the poor couple out.

That is another good point in her personality. She's selfless. She'll put her friends and family before herself, even if it would mean death. If a group member of her's(or anyone close to her, for that matter) has to do a punishment they don't want to do, she'll volunteer to do it, even going as far as to argue with the PD/host/blahh if they say she can't.

Jung-Ah isn't perfect. She has flaws. Everybody has flaws. Jung-Ah just likes to conceal them so people won't consider her weaker than she already is. She's very airheaded. One moment she remembers where she's going, the next she stops walking and stares, trying to remember what road to turn at. It takes her much longer than her group members to learn a song, dance or script, and even then there's the chance she'll forget. Once she does completely remember, it's in her head for life. It's like she has a slower version of permanent memory.

She's extremely self-concious. That isn't exactly a great trait to have if you're an idol considering all the time you'd spend in front of a camera, but none the less, she's self-concious. Jung-Ah constantly worries about her appearance even if she doesn't show it. When she was younger, she always wanted plastic surgery so she'd be "perfect."

It's easy to have her break down. All you need to do is pile tons of stress onto her, and as fast as you can say "OOMPA-LOOMPA!" she'll be a crying mess. It's also easy for her to snap under pressure. This is why Key is always fussing about her, making sure she's alright and such.

history: Jung-Ah grew up an only child in Jungsa-ri, Yeoncheon, which is fairly close to the South Korea/North Korea border. She and her family lived there due to her father being in the military. Honestly, she didn't mind it. She enjoyed greeting soliders from other parts of South Korea or even from places like the USA with a smile on her face and a flower in her hand. This earned her the nickname Flower Girl from her mother.. and only her mother calls her that. Often, when Jung-Ah's father would travel to places like Seoul, Jung-Ah would accompany him. She was well-known(or, as well-known as a 7 year old could be) throughout the lower military/navy/etc. ranks as The Girl with Flowers. She'd meet as many service men as possible and give each a freshly picked flower of their choice from her flower basket. At one point, she was briefly recognized during a speech by the President of South Korea. Her name wasn't even mentioned, but she still prides herself on it. ("One little girl has gone around to our service men and delivered flowers as thanks for their service.. I hope all children of our country will be so generous to the protectors of our nation.")

When Jung-Ah was only 11, her father was sent to the border to help patrol it. One day, he accidentaly set off a landmine, killing him and three other men in the process. His body had never been recovered, and Jung-Ah and her mother were devastated. A close friend of her father's came personally to Jungsa-ri to tell them the news. His name was Edward Brandons, and he was a British man from America serving in South Korea. (Confusing, yes?) He eventually was transferred to Jungsa-ri, and during his short time there, helped Jung-Ah develop some English skills. They worked very hard so she could at least master pronounciation and the basics of English. When he left a year later, they had succeeded.

Chung Ae decided the two needed a fresh start, so she packed up their bags and moved them to an apartment in Seoul. Remembering how Jung-Ah always wanted to learn how to ice skate, her mother signed her up for lessons right away. At times her lessons were threatened to end due to not-so-great grades, but Jung-Ah always managed to get them back up and continue the lessons. When she turned 15, she entered her first competition and made fifth place. Her next competetion, she made 3rd. Then 4th. Then 1st.

At 16 she gained an interest in preforming arts. She quit her skating lessons and begged for singing lessons instead. After only a few weeks of lessons(three per week) she worked up the nerve to audition at SM Entertainment. At first, she didn't think she would make it. She was surprised to get a call back, and then another, before finally being accepted into the training program.

She trained for 2 years, her main focus being on rapping. Her dancing skills were alright thanks to the years of ice skating lessons, and her singing skills were naturally good, along with the few weeks of vocal lessons before she quit that.



  • ballads (they help her relax. plus that is her favorite genre to sing)
  • snow (it means that hopefully the lakes will freeze over so she can go ice skating)
  • hot chocolate (she can't drink coffee, and decaf is just gross, so she has hot chocolate instead)
  • ghosts (jung-ah wanted to be a ghost hunter when she was younger)
  • folklore/myths from around the world (her favorite is about the kappa from japan. she's thinks it's cute.)
  • novels (especially long ones. she can stay up all night reading them)
  • sleeping (dreaming is her favorite thing to do)
  • rabbits (they're just adorable to her)
  • riddles (riddles are very easy for her to solve)
  • horror movies (she doesn't even jump at the scary parts)


  • yelling/insulting others, even if it's scripted ("treat others how you would want to be treated")
  • when people fight (makes her feel sad)
  • trains (she doesn't like the rumbling motion when she rides them)
  • chocolate cake (the flavor is too rich for her)
  • greasy food (when the grease gets on her hands, that's too much grease for her)
  • practicing late into the night (she'd rather be sleeping and dreaming)
  • apple pie (it's gooey, gross, disgusting, horrible, and did i mention gooey?)
  • having short bangs (if it's cut above her eyebrows she hates it instantly. self-conciousness alert!)
  • being woken up from a dream (self-explanatory. and doesn't everyone?)


  • reading
  • daydreaming
  • sleeping
  • knitting
  • growing flowers to give to fans during fanmeets
  • trolling her fans on twitter (is known to purposely give sneakpeek photos about Skylar's comebacks)


  • loses her shoes all the time
  • tends to daydream in the middle of interviews or shows and be totally confused when asked a question
  • she breathes very quickly in the middle of a singing line - it's almost impossible to hear unless you're listening to the song acapella/MR(music removed) version.
  • from the short time she learned english, she picked up a british accent from her teacher
  • when she's thinking hard, her eyes squint (got that from her father)


  • ambidexterous
  • has actually read all the harry potter books multiple times
  • dislikes most foods with a gooey sort of texture
  • her hearing is stronger than normal, so a simple ambulance siren sounds louder than a billion mirrors breaking at the same time to her
  • she's somewhat of an athetist (believes there's something up there, but not totally sure what to believe)
  • has a secret tumblr (sshh!)
  • is surprisingly good at mimicing other group's dances, even male groups
  • she's an official angel(fan of teen top). seriously, she has a member card signed by niel and l.joe because she was the first person to sign up. she's a dedicated fan..
  • her twitter account is @jungah119 and her tumblr is basket-of-flowers (fans don't know about the tumblr though xD)

does your character often use vulgar language?: [ ] yes [ ] maybe [x] no

if so, in which language does she do it more often? --


r e l a t i o n s h i p s




NAME: Baek Chung Ae

AGE: 56

BIRTHDAY: 06/18/1956

PERSONALITY:  Chung Ae is a lot like her daughter. She's very calm and sophisticated. The strictest she can ever be is telling her daughter to take her shoes off indoors. She's a very loving and kind mother who always supports her daughter. Sometimes she gets a bit depressed over her husband, but can jump back very quickly. She and her daughter grew closer than ever after Chanhee's death. They stuck together like glue for a while before peeling away from each other a bit.





AGE: 57

BIRTHDAY: 09/17/55

PERSONALITY: Chanhee made up for Chung Ae's inability to be strict with their only child by being extra-strict. Plus he was in the military, so he needed to be strict. His need for rules was implanted in the family's home, with strict curfews and other things like television time limits. Chung Ae and Jung-Ah didn't mind it, though. They grew used to it, and even after he died, they still kept those rules in place, almost like an honor towards him. Chanhee and Jung-Ah were exceptionally close. She often accompanied him on military trips to nearby stations(despite her mother's protests), and he was able to introduce her to his fellow service men. On the first day of Spring, he and his daughter would go out to a nearby meadow and search for the first flowers of Spring. It was a yearly occurence that Jung-Ah continued to do after his death.


DEAD OR ALIVE: Dead, explained in history.



only child.




PERSONALITY: (At least a paragraph.)



(Add one more if needed.)


best friend (1 only)


NAME:  Kim Kibum (Key)

AGE: 20

BIRTHDAY: 09/23/91

PERSONALITY: Key is very dramatic and loud. He's called both a diva and umma by his fans and groupmates, and he takes it in stride. When it comes to fashion he's the one you go to. Jung-Ah has been absolutely fascinated by his personality ever since they met.

HOW SHE/HE ACTS WITH YOUR CHARACTER:  Key somewhat admires Jung-Ah's personality and how she can be so much like herself in the eyes of the public. He's very careful with what he says and does around her, claiming that she's "more fragile than a plate from the Titanic",  and tries his best to protect her from the evils of paparazzi and obsessive fans. Often he's seen giving her advice before photoshoots, wether in person or by text. The two frequently get together out of work, not even bothering with disguises. There's always at least one picture circulating the web of them every week.



friends (max 4)



AGE: 18

BIRTHDAY: 01/14/94

PERSONALITY: (At least a paragraph. Compared to the other members of EXO-K, Kai is definetely quiet. He doesn't talk much, or smile much either. He's been working hard since his trainee days, and is a very determined person. He never gives up on something once he sets his mind to it. His charisma is as powerful as his dancing, and that's saying something.

HOW SHE/HE ACTS WITH YOUR CHARACTER: The two get along quite well, considering they share some characteristics. While Jung-Ah may be a bit more outgoing than Kai, she tones it down when with him. Kai tries to be more outgoing, but usually ends up being himself anyways. They enjoy taking selcas together, and sometimes practicing dance together. Jung-Ah isn't close to Kai's skills, but the two make it work as best as they can. They've known each other since their trainee days.



NAME: Amber

AGE: 19

BIRTHDAY: 09/18/92

PERSONALITY: (At least a paragraph. Amber is a major tomboy. She wears boys clothes, has short hair like a boy, her voice is even a bit deep like a boy. She's a bit awkward when it comes to girly stuff, especially girly dances, and has to put up with that a lot because of f(x)'s dance style. She's very outgoing on variety shows, and is a bit of a jokester.

HOW SHE/HE ACTS WITH YOUR CHARACTER: Obviously, since Amber and Henry are friends, Jung-Ah and Amber are too. Whenever the two get together, you better watch out, because Amber's influences on Jung-Ah are pretty strong. They'll pull pranks on their friends when they can, or practice rapping. Sometimes they and Henry all hang out together, too.


NAME: --

AGE: --





NAME: --

AGE: --







Who is your rival?: s-she's too nice for a rival. LOL.

Reason for rivalry: --


Love interest


Love interest: Henry from Super Junior(M)

How do you two act around each other?: They're really comfortable around each other. It was a bit awkward when they first met, but that's how all people are. It didn't take long for them to grow really close. They even call each other brother and sister sometimes. Recently things have gotten a bit stiff because of Jung-Ah's upcoming debut so they can't talk as much. When they do get the chance to hang out, it's filled with a bunch of jokes and fun-fun-fun!.

Do you keep contact?: [x] yes [ ] sometimes [ ] no

If so, how?: There's a lot of twitter involved. Sometimes they'll tweet to each other in English, sometimes in Korean. They also meet up whenever he's in the area, usually going to some cafe and ordering hot chocolate. Henry is also teaching Jung-Ah more english, so that's another way they keep in contact. Plus, there's this thing call texting... //shot.

Scene requests: He sees a picture of Key and Jung-Ah out together and get's the wrong idea? xD;; I don't really know..


G r o u p    I n f o r m a t i o n


Position: Jack-of-All-Trades (backup or if that isn't an available position: Lead Vocalist)

Public persona: Jung-Ah is still her same old self, even in the eyes of the public. Often on variety shows, interviews, etc., people will call her the Korean Luna Lovegood. She's very honest when asked about her relationships with fellow idols, actors/actresses, whoever. Each idol seems to have their own way of introducing themselves, and Jung-Ah's way is "Hi-llo! I'm Skylar's Eccentric Daydreamer, Jung-Ah!" and every once in a while she'll add in "Be aware of nargles~!" as a joke.

Persona: Eccentric Daydreamer

Fanclub name: Dreamers ; because dreaming is a way to find out more about yourself, as well as a way to explore whatever you wish freely with no restrictions. Jung-Ah always wants to interact and find out more about her fans, especially those all around the world.

Fanclub color:                     ; it's a very calm and relaxing sort of color, maybe even relaxing enough to help you off into dreamland.

Stage name: --


C l o s u r e


Password: 'Cause SM loves to tease.

Anything else?: OH GOD I HATE THIS. OTL but i got it done so YAY! ... aha, i had to make up a lot about Jungsa-ri because i could find literally no information about it. since it was so close to the border, i figured it must be some sort of military town, so.. Jung-Ah's history happened. xD and i feel as if I'm missing something.. am i?



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