Application Form


Name: Kim Min Sook

Nickname [optional]: Minnie or Sookie (He's mostly called by as Sookie xD)

Age [15-25]: 16

Ethnicity [it would be great if you where at least part asian]: Korean, Japanese, Spanish

Hometown: Busan, South Korea


Likes [+3]: Dancing, Traveling, Going to amusement parks

Dislikes [+3]: Not having enough sleep, Being really quiet, Being pranked

Hobbys [+3]: Dancing, Being outside a lot, Charming people with his aegyo xD

Habits [optional]: Dancing randomly a lot in public 

Trivia [optional]: Min Sook's dancing and aegyo started when he was smaller


Parents [Name,Age,Job,anything else]: Kim Mari, 45, Fasion Designer, Spanish. Kim Joon, 48, Teacher, Korean and Japanese 

Siblings [can be famous][Name,Age,anything else]: Kim Yong Soo, 22, DJ and older brother

Relationship with your family [how do you act around your family?]: Min Sook acts mostly childish due to being the youngest. He does have some problems with his dad since he wants Min Sook to act more mature even though his mom and brother don't mind at all.


Personality [+3]: Childish, Daring, Sweet

Languages [no more then 5]: Korean, Japanese, Spanish, English

Background : Min Sook has been living under a rich family for his entire life. Some have thought of him being the average spoiled rich kid due to his mother being a famous fashion designer however, he actually earns his own money at his job at a cafe in order to become more independent. Either way, he still acts childish and loves charming people with his aegyo.

Anything else about you chara [optional]? Here's an example of his aegyo xD (That's the ulzzang I'm using)


Friends [optional]: Jung Jun Lee (Best guy friend) and Park Juri (Best girl friend) who both have the similar childish personality as him.

Rivals   [optional]: None

Loves    [optional]: None (Currently trying to find a girlfriend)


Height: 5'5'' (165cm)

Weight: 125lbs (56kg)

BloodType: AB

Hair colour: Black but usually dyes it a light brown, an orange blonde or a redish color

Eye colour: Dark brown


Name of the Ulzzang/Model you are using: Park Hyeong Seok

Pic of the Ulzzang/Model you are using:


What are you wearing for [please send Links]…..


School [+1]: Obviously the guys one xD

Every Day/Normal [+3]: (both outfits on the 2nd link to make it 3)

At Home [+2]:

Sleepwear [+2]: (with a pair of gray sweats), (The bottom one)

Sport [+3]: (with a pair of jean shorts), (with sweats), (without that weird backback xD)

Dates [+3]:

How did your come to K-pop? Since his older brother is a DJ, he mostly listened to what he played and one day started hearing KPop and just fell in love with it

Who is your favourite in Shinee? He can't decide between Onew and Key xD

What do you like about Shinee? He loves the styles that they always have and the type of music and the choreo that they always bring. He also likes each of their personalities and how they act.

What don´t you like about Shinee? He sometimes doesn't like some of the minor details (hairstyle, clothing style, ect.) whenever they introduce a new era of their music but eventually it grows on him if he gets enough time to adjust to it.

Would you date someone in Shinee? If yes who? He actually is Bi (though he doesn't want to admit it out in public) but is trying to find a girlfriend (which he kind of is failing at). He does admit if he were ever given the chance to date someone from Shinee, it would be Onew.

Do you like other K-pop Bands?[optional] Super Junior, SNSD, 2NE1, Big Bang, B2ST, and NU'EST

Do you hate any K-pop Bands? [optional] None in particular

Why did your chara Apply for the Show? Although he is a huge fan of Shinee and wants to meet them so badly, he mostly wants to get to know more about them and sharing common interests and be good friends with them.

What does your chara wish should happen in the show? He does wish for a lot of amazing adventures and whether they have their ups and downs, they would go through it all and have many good experiences that they'll never forget.


Anything else you have to say [optional]: Nothing in particular. Just send me a message if you have any questions or need anything. I hope you like him!! :D


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Alright. Thanks!! :)
Hey thanks for application, and I really like your chara =)
so I will get back at you, if you made it or not =)
LG DreamingLight